Chapter 1

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It was past midday and the Richardsons were yet to leave their new mansion and feel the zephyr of the new neighborhood

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It was past midday and the Richardsons were yet to leave their new mansion and feel the zephyr of the new neighborhood.

They were busy with their works; unpacking, and cleaning the dirty house.

They still couldn't believe someone was actually living there before they had moved in. Why on earth would someone live in such a dusty building?

They failed to let that thought linger in them for awhile, for they had something bigger and better to do; tidy up.

Though, the Richardson knew they had no chances of getting the house perfectly cleaned in 5 days, they still had no other choice but to do it themselves.

Mr. Richardson had already called four cleaners. But as soon as he told them the address, they immediately hung up. He never failed to call them again, but his calls were instantly declined, leaving him and his family flummoxed.

The cleaners knew about the ghosts as much as anyone in Centreview did. The poor cleaners were in need of cash, but they couldn't risk getting their hearts snatched by a bunch of ghosts.

The Richardson were clueless to the mysterious attitude the cleaners had pulled up. But even if they knew, they were far from believing the existence of ghosts. Beside, since they moved in, nothing extraordinary had occurred.

Therefore, they boosted their energies and focused on getting their work done by themselves. They had to hurry up if they wanted it done anytime soon. Soon the kids would be off to school, while the parents would return to their job. They'd have no time to tidy up.

Hours went by before the Richardson were finally done tidying up the areas they'd be visiting more often; the sitting room, dining room, and kitchen.

They sat exhaustedly on a white settee in the sitting room, staring at most of the magic the dust had hidden from sight; a glassy expensive table stood in front of them with a vessel placed on it. Two comfortable chairs sat at each side of the glassy table with two to three cushions on them, while a large flatscreen was hanged on the white wall that was on the side of the sitting room.

Not far from the flatscreen was a door that led to the guest room. After the door, was a glassy staircase that led upstairs. At the very end of the sitting room, was a curtain covering two love seats that sat opposite each other close to a window.

The Richardson eyes traveled the length and breadth of the large sitting room. It was eye-catching and breathtaking. They admired how cheap such a beautiful and secured house was. But the end of their admiration were fast approaching.

Only the wizard, nerd, and the prankster, had an idea that a new family had moved into their home. The pervert didn't.

The previous day, he had went out to a party and was yet to be back. He had possessed a lad of his age, just so his presence could be noticed by others.

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