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0.6- Fuck, I don't remember.

"Have fun, and don't fuck the bassist." I had told Addie about me going to Sublime tonight, and she couldn't contain her excitement.

"You know, some people say don't drop the soap."

"But I'm not some people." Addie rolls her eyes as I pull on my sweater. It was quite a little ways walk, but it was manageable, and plus I liked being alone with my thoughts. I leave the house, Addie closing and locking the door behind me, and start out on my trip.

I've now made a name for myself at school, I was finally somebody. That doesn't mean that I will go down in the history books, but hey, it's a start isn't it? A car passes by, pulling a breeze with it, and I slightly shiver, pulling my sweater even more tightly around me.

When I finally get into Sublime, I relax a bit, the warmth of the place comforting me. I take out a cigarette, smoke it, and then sit in the crowd waiting for the band to come on. I cross my legs, glancing around at the other people, then spot a girl from my school, the girl who pulled up her sleeves.

"Hey!" I call, and she turns and smiles.

"Hi," She says cheerfully, "I'm Emma. And you're London,everyone knows you now."


"Oh yeah," she snorts, "Calum has been going around telling everyone that he knows you."

And it was kinda because of him that I finally spoke up for once.

"Rihanna and her cronies have been bullying me because of the cuts. All I want to tell you is thank you, because you were the freakshow's voice."

"We sound like American Horror Story." I laugh, but then glance up to the stage and see the lights dimming, signaling the show is starting. The boys come up, Ashton Irwin, Michael Clifford, Luke Hemmings and Calum Hood, and as the get situated, Emma and I excitedly look at each other.

They're hot.

Michael Clifford, more like Pin Me Up Against A Wall And Fuck Me, Thanks.

Luke Hemmings, more like Hot Damn Hemmings.

Ashton Irwin, more like Bang Me As Hard As You Do Those Drums.

and then Calum Hood, more like You Could Cut Vegetables With That Jawline.

Luke grabs the microphone, "Hello Sublime! We are Five Seconds of Summer, and we're a band!"

"No dip Sherlock, of course we're a band." Ashton scoffs and we all laugh. "Let's do this. One, two, three go!" Ashton calls, and suddenly, Michael starts to play his electric guitar.

It's so sick.

Then Ashton and Calum come in, Ashton playing the drums and making 'woo' noise along with the rest of the boys. Luke grabs the microphone_ "I wish that I was 18 to do all things you read in a magazine -"

Oh my gosh this makes me feel so punk rock. I glance over at Emma who's grinning and cannot take her eyes off of Michael. "She's just a little bit older, I want to get to know her, she said this is already over." Another awesome gituar riff.

It hasn't even been five minutes yet, but I'm already in love with this fucking band.

"So tell me what else can I do, I bought my fake ID for you!" Oh fuck yes. "She told me to meet her there, I can't afford a bus fare, I'm not old enough for her, I'm just waiting until I'm 18." I start moving my head, while Emma swats me to get my attention, and starts doing him thrusts.

"She's got, a money tattoo in a place that, I'll never get to." Luke winks at the crowd, and Emma and I are having like a spasm, rocking out and fangirling that Luke winked.

Ashton,Calum, Michael and Luke start playing their respective instruments, creating a riff that could become my new circle of life. "In my bedroom thinking of you... pictures in my private folder."

"You guys are mastrubating?" I scream, and I know Calum heard me because he flashes a grin in my direction, and nods.

"I think I just chocked on air." Emma comments. Soon, the song, which I have learned is called 18, is finished and I'm so pumped up for another one.

It has been an hour, and on my phone I have all the songs they performed (End Up Here, Don't Stop, 18,Kiss Me Kiss Me, Long Way Home, Close As Strangers.) In my notes so I can remember to download them. "Guys, this is our last song, it's called Amnesia."

"I feel that this song is going to fuck me over so London if I start sobbing please hold me and I'll do the same okay." Emma comments, and I nod as a slow gituar starts to play.

"I drove by all the places we used to hang out getting wasted." Calum sings, and I had only heard his voice in upbeat songs, not stripped down like this, 'I thought about our last kiss how it felt the way you tasted. " I feel a slight pang in my heart, one of immense sadness.

"I remember the day you told me you were leaving. I remember the make up running down your face. And the dreams you left behind you didn't need them, like every single wish we ever made. I wish that I could wake up with amnesia, and forget about the stupid little things..." Silent tears roll down my cheeks, along with Emma's, and I lock eyes with Calum. It's a small crowd, after all, it's a small café, but he still saw me in the crowd and smiled.

"'Cause I'm not fine at all."


"It hurts to know your happy, yeah, it hurts that you moved on." And I swear, Calum looked directly at me when he sang that.

"London? Do you see him?"

I nod, "Yeah."

"He's singing to you."


Suddenly, I can't even remember today's reason for why I hate him. I'm too happy to even remember.

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