RemRom rant.

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oh boy i can already see the hate pouring in.

lets start. if you dont know what remrom is, its the ship between roman and remus, y'know, only known, for now, related two characters in the show.

now, i dont think i need to stress why the ship already has so much hate. like, they are brothers. logan said it. he's the smartest one there, and roman did confirm it. and despite these two clarifications, fanders still ship them nonetheless.

and i can already see the "They are fictional characters, leave them alone!"

and while, yes, they aren't real people, both of them are still brothers. it's still incest. just because they are fictional characters doesn't mean they arent brothers, and that it's okay to be shipping them together.

i was raised to respect everyone's opinion, and i still do. i will not hate on you just because you ship these two characters, even though its clearly wrong. im not like that. you do you, just know that certain opinions of yours can make some people uneasy or uncomfortable.

the bash this ship gets is something that isn't new, stop acting like it is.

just deal with the fact that people dont like the things you do, and that is their opinion. you have no right to tell someone if their opinion is wrong. because that right there is idiotic. an opinion is what a person thinks, their beliefs.

alright. that's all.

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