sleep over

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Time skip
Me and her are sitting on her bed she's painting my nails.
Jasp-"what were those questions "
Sana-"oh yeah. Okay so do you like any of them more than the rest of them"
Jasp-"i like all of them but hobi,tae,jimin,jungkook and sometimes suga they make me wanna just fuck all of them,but namjoon and jin i wonder what they could do in a threesome"
She sits there staring at me with her mouth open and her eyes wide.
Jasp-"you asked"
Sana-"who are you most nervous about having sex with"
Jasp-"hobi, he's really strong and hella dominant"
Sana-"when are you gonna have your first pup"
Jasp-"i don't know. I don't think i want any yet"
Sana-"after Camiela is born then promise me you will be pregnant with my niece or nephew"
She holds out her pinky i hesitate then i wrap my pinky around hers
Jasp-"jin is a sweet heart but sometimes he can be mean"
Sana-"have you slept in any of their beds yet"
Jasp-"only jimin and hobi"
Sana-"i cant believe in a few hours you'll be 18. Are you going to school on your last day"
Jasp-"no i have to go to alot of places tomorrow"
She nods
Sana-"you want me to go"
Sana-"lets get some rest"
I nod
Jasp-"good night Camiela and Santa"
I laugh and i lay down and we fall asleep

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