Chapter 2: Home, Part 2.

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Ziva David's homecoming was nothing short of interesting. In the span of three short weeks, she managed to get a job at the library, promised to feed Mrs. DeVoe's birds while she was recovering from knee surgery, and serve on the usher's board at church every third Sunday. Damn the slick, smooth talking old ladies at Greene Temple C.M.E Chruch. Ziva integrated back into the same society without any complications and it was honestly a blessing.

On Saturday morning, Ziva found herself on Mrs. Pearline DeVoe's back patio feeding her two birds Yuki and Una.

"Pretty little birds.." Ziva hummed and she stroked the feathers of the two color contrasting pets.

Pearline DeVoe sat in her wheel chair with her knee propped up (doctor's orders, of course, because if it were up to her, she would be up and feeding her own damn birds) and watched Ziva interact with the two birds.

"You're a natural, ain't you girl?" Mrs. DeVoe asked with her right hand rubbing her troubled knee.

Ziva looked back as she placed Yuki back in the cage. "Would you believe me if I said this was my first time ever bird sitting?"

Mrs. DeVoe puts a hand over her heart and gasps. "Oh, no ma'am. I can't have someone so inexperienced watching over my babies.' She says laughing.

Ziva giggles and rolled Mrs.DeVoe back into her living room.

"Are you going to be okay by yourself, missy?" Ziva asks Mrs. DeVoe with a hand on her hip.

"Of course, child. Go on now, get!" Mrs. DeVoe said waving her off.

Later that day, Ziva sat at her desk at the library and as quietly as she could, ate her granola bar and scrolled through her Facebook feed. As she continued to scroll, she heard little fits of laughter outside of the store. Turning towards the window, she spots Tyler, a very pregnant Malia, and some other mystery girl she wasn't sure she had seen before. Ziva taps the window to get the trio's attention and when they looked up and saw her, they smiled and waved. Even the mystery girl offered a quick wave and Ziva returned the gesture. They continued to walk past the store and entered Benny's Diner. Ziva sat back into her chair and toyed at her bottom lip as she tried to place the other girl's features to determine if she had met her once before.

"Who is she?" Ziva pondered for the rest of her shift.

Sunday morning came all too soon and Ziva found herself at the GT CME Church at 7:30 a.m sharp. Her black skirt ( which hugged her bottom a little too snug for the elder women's liking, but in her defense it had been a while since she'd last ushered) and white blouse were both pressed neatly and she would appear to be what the old folks refer to as a "nice, wholesome gal."

Ziva was sitting in the back of the sanctuary folding programs when she was tapped on her shoulder. She turned around and was met with the girl she saw yesterday with Tyler.

"Hi, sorry if I startled you

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"Hi, sorry if I startled you." She said with a small smile.
" Oh, no. It's no problem I was just in my zone folding these programs." Ziva replies, waving her hand in dismissal.
" Ziva David." She says as she extends her hand to the mystery lady.
"Sienna Hankins." She replies, taking Ziva's hand.

Ziva's jaw drops as she remembers where she knew her from. Sienna was Tyler's baby sister who got sent away when they were 12 and she was 10 for being 'different.' When asked about Sienna, Rev. Hankins just waved the subject off and said she was in a better environment with people like her.

"Oh, shit girl. How've you been? It's been so long." Ziva squeals engulfing the girl in a hug.

Sienna smiles and gently slaps Ziva's shoulder.

"Girl, we're in church, watch your mouth. But I've been okay, just living life."

"I know that's real, girl. You home for good?" Ziva asked.

Sienna sighed and responded with, "I'm not sure. We'll just have to see how it goes."

"Well, I'm happy you're home." Ziva offered optimistically.

"Me, too." Sienna said, picking up some programs so she could help fold them.

Rev. Hankins walked up to the two girls and patted Ziva's shoulder.

"Look at you doing the Lord's work."

"Well I don't know about all of that. But I appreciate it." Ziva chuckled lightly.

Rev. Hankins turned his attention toward Sienna.

"Sienna." He said shortly.

"Father." She nodded back, just as short as he had been.

Ziva looked between the two finding their exchange odd.

Rev. Hankins walked off and Sienna slumped down slightly in the pews.

"What was that all about?" Ziva asked, raising her brow.

"Don't worry about it. Anyway, how've you been?"

The two engaged in other small talk as they folded the programs and waiting for the first service to begin.

Being with Sienna made the three back to back church services more bearable for Ziva. She and Sienna had so much in common so she thought to herself: it's a shame her and Ziva didn't get to grow up together because they would've made the best of friends.

Ziva and Sienna were one of the last few people at the church picking up after the day's activities.

"You know, I couldn't have made it today without out you." Sienna says to Ziva while putting up chairs.

"Oh, yeah? Well I feel the same way, Si Si." Ziva gives her a smile while wiping down the tables.

" Want to hang out outside of church?" Sienna offers.

"Of course, Si. It'll be good to chill with someone who's not my parents or Mrs.DeVoe."

The two young women exchanged numbers and were off in there own directions headed towards their homes.

After showering, Ziva sat on her bed in her towel when her phone went off with a message from Sienna.

from Sienna:
-hey, you think mr. douglass was sleep the whole time during second service? cause I do. there's no way he found something that interesting about the floors 😂

to Sienna:
- for sure, dude. probably thinking about ways to get mrs. davis to leave her husband 💀

from Sienna:
- thank you so much for that lovely picture that will forever be burned in my brain.

Ziva locked her phone and smiled to herself. She was glad to have found someone she could finally relate to.

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