~The Sun, the Sea and the Host Club!~

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"Haruhi are you ready for the beach?" Hatsumi asked her sister

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Haruhi are you ready for the beach?" Hatsumi asked her sister.

"The beach?" Haruhi looked confused at her sister who was standing in the middle of the twins.

"Of course the beach!" The twins nodded with excitement, Harsumi grinning in the middle.

"But why?"

"Don't you remember what you said?" Hikaru stared,

"You said you'd like to go to a real beach." Kaoru continued.

"Did I say that?" Haruhi asked thinking.

"You did my dear sister, you sure did." Hatsumi said deadpanning.

"Here's the fun part! We've brought some swimsuits for you and Hatsumi to choose from." The twins moved to reveal rows and rows of mannequin in swimsuits.  "Pretty cute don't you think?" Hikaru pointed to a pink ruffed bikini.

"I already picked mine! It's a surprise." Hatsumi said with a smile.

"Not that one! I think this swimsuit would look much cuter on Haru-chan." Honey said holding a blue one piece suit with a white skirt.

"I don't think you get it. Honey-senpai." The twins said with a tsk.

"Just look, this uniform nearly hides the fact that Haruhi's as flat as a cutting board." Hikaru said, "A one piece suit like that would only upset her because it draws attention to her lacking feminine physique, unlike Hatsumi." Kaoru added.

Hatsumi stopped in the rows of mannequins looking down at her chest and back at the twins,  then to Kyoya who had been standing next to her blushing madly. "Is it really that much of a difference?" Kyoya refused to answer instead walking about and looking at his clipboard.

"That's why we carefully selected this two piece suit, see?" The twins continued on, "The ruffles help hide the fact that she's so flat chested!"

"You punks had better quit sexually harassing my little girls!" Tamaki came out of no where and batted the twins away with a baseball bat. "I've had enough of you!"

"Where did he even get that bat?" Hatsumi asked Honey who just shrugged.

"That means we're not going to the beach?" The twins asked, hiding behind Haruhi who still hadn't moved from the table she had been sitting at.

"Who said that we're not going?" Tamaki asked swinging the bat on his shoulder.

"I feel like that bat in his hands is dangerous." Hatsumi said as she went back to finding a swimsuit for her sister.

"Really?" The twins perked up, "So you wanna go after all?"

"Can Usa-chan come, too?" Honey asked.

"I have no problem with that." Kyoya said.

If It Makes You Happy //Kyoya Ootori// (OHSOC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن