Chapter 1

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It has been approximately three years since I have run away from home. I got the job at that exact diner, I also was able to get my own apartment after about a year. The only downside is that my family hasn't searched for me. For all they know I am either across the country, in another country, or even dead. Not that anyone other than Stephanie and maybe Mario would care.

Today has been a normal day so far. I woke up, took a shower, did some laundry, got ready for the day, and left for work. Being a waitress is easy, handling with difficult customers is aggravating. But somehow I manage NOT blowing a gasket.


I saw someone I thought I would never in the entirety of my existence see again that persons name was Lin-Manuel Miranda. He stars alongside my brother in his musical Hamilton. Being near the Rodgers is a great experience and you get a lot in tips. I have enough money to see the show but keep deciding against it. Why? You might ask. Well if I were able to get a front row seat I could be spotted by Anthony. And I don't want to be spotted by him. Cause then he would beg me to come back. Anyways, behind him was all of the Principles. Besides my brother... and then, they were led, to my table. I walked over to the table excited yet nervous for the possibility of swing my brother after all these years.
"Hello, my name is Samantha I will be your waitress this afternoon, what would you like to drink."
They all stared at me like I was nuts.
"Do you know who we are?" asked Lin
"Yes, you are all the principles of Hamilton, but you are missing Anthony Ramos cause he is late. As per usual." I replied, mumbling the last sentence to my self.
"Sorry if he sounded rude, everyone usually freaks out when they see us." stated a very cinnamon roll Phillipa Soo.
"It is alright, honestly I am freaking out. I just put on an act. Anyways what would you all like to drink?"
After writing down all of their choices I went to the back to get every single drink... even though he shouldn't Thayne asked for a Cookies and Cream milkshake... he should know better than to have dairy before a performance. When I was bringing all of their drinks I had noticed someone else had joined them... wow it really has been years since I've seen my brother. Let's only hope he doesn't recognize me.
"Here are all of your drinks. Oh what would you like Tony."
Crap, I was the only one who EVER called him Tony.
"Sorry, um uh what would you like Anthony?"
He took a deep breath in. He only did that when he was holding back tears or mad. Right now... he was doing both.
"Water with lemon please." He replied.
"I will be right back with that."
I quickly grabbed a water with lemon, and went back to their table. Then our buzzer sounded. The buzzer only buzzed every half hour from when we open to when we close. Guess I would have to take their orders after...

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