the woild is yer erster

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(this is the chapter where jack kelly shall be introduced) enjoy my brœthërs😎😎😎😎

"auahghds" said bri as she woke up and walked to her kitchen
she heard someone break into her house and scream "NOW IS THE TIME TO SEIZE THE DAY"
"omg no it can't be!" thought bri "it's jack kelly!"
jack grabbed bri and kissed her "wtf dude" said bri
"guess what!" said jack "IM NOT GAY"
"omg yay" said bri "let's date" said jack
bri said"okay" 
_____________TIME SKIP______________

"hey guys" bri said walking up to mendel, adam,beetlejuice, elder price,and elder mckinley.
"me and jack are dating" said bri
jack nodded. beetlejuice said "bruh that's so cool because me and adam are dating"
"oh cool" said bri and jack
________TIME SKIP TO NEXT DAY________
"bri i have something to tell you" said jack
"what is it?" said bri
"i'm cheating on you...." said jack
"with who?" said bri
"im cheating on you with..."

___________TO BE CONTINUED__________

bri x kevin price x beetlejuice x orpheus x shakespeare x jack kelly Where stories live. Discover now