Chapter 9: Christmas Break Part 2

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They arrive at Snape's quarters. Snape opens the door and allows Harry to enter. He enters afterwards and shuts the door. Harry spots the tree by the fireplace and looks at it in awe. Harry said, "Wow..." As he walks up to the tree. Snape smiles slightly as he follows him. Harry sees the box of decorations next to the tree and looks inside. Harry grins, "I can't wait to start decorating dad!" Snape removes his cloak and rolls up his sleeve, taking his wand out in the process. The dark mark was visible and pink on his left forearm. He walks up to Harry and looks into the box. He said, "Start handing me the decorations, one bauble at a time, Harry." Harry nods and starts handing Snape all sort of decorations, one at a time. Snape uses his wand to levitate each decoration and place them on the tree. Once they finished decorating, Snape waves his wand over the tree, making fairies appear amongst the tree, glowing and glittering. Snape and Harry stand back to look at it. Harry said, "The tree looks so beautiful dad!" Snape said, "It still needs a tree topper, which I happen to have. Wait here." Harry stays standing by the Christmas tree as Snape goes and gets his box. He returns and and sits on the couch. He beckons Harry to join him. Harry goes and sits on the couch with him. Snape said, "In this box, I keep things that I treasure the most. All pertaining to your mother, Lily." Harry nods as he looks curiously at the box. Snape opens it and hands Harry photos, cards and letters of Lily that he received, for Harry to look at. Harry reads the letters and cards in awe, then looks at the photos. Harry sets them down as Snape pulls out the lock of hair. He said, "You're mother gave me a lock of her hair when she had her hair cut to her shoulders. I was there when she she had her hair cut. I had gotten a trim after they finished with her. She told me to take it as something to remember her by. I've kept it ever since." He hands Harry the lock of hair to look at it. Harry touches the hair and said, "Wow... this is mum's hair?" Snape nods, "It is, Harry." Harry sniffs the hair and smiles, "It smells fruity, dad." Snape smiles, "That's how she always smelled, whenever we were together." Harry looks at the hair in awe, "Wow.... I can't believe the hair still smells good, after all those years, dad." Snape smiles, "Neither can I, Harry." Harry smiles and hands the lock of hair back to Snape, who puts it back in the box. He finds the hand-made tree topper that he had made. The angel had green almond-shaped eyes and red wavy hair. It wore white flowing robes and a golden halo. Her hands where set as if she was praying. Her wings were opened. Snape said, "Here is the tree topper, Harry. What do you think of it?" Snape hands Harry the tree topper. He watches Harry as Harry looks at the tree topper. Harry's jaw drops open as he recognizes the angel tree topper. Harry said, "The tree topper looks like my mum!" Snape nods as he smiles slightly, "Yes, Harry. It's your mother, Lily. I made it in her image. Ready to put it on top of the tree?" Harry smiles and said, "Yes, dad. I'm ready." Snape sets the box on the couch and leads Harry to the tree and said, "Hold on, Harry and hold tight to the tree topper." Harry nods and holds on to the tree topper as Snape points his wand at Harry and said, "Wingardium Leviosa!" Snape levitates Harry all the way to the top of the tree. Harry looks down at Snape and smiles. Snape smiles slightly and nods. Harry looks at the top of the tree and places the tree topper on it, making sure it was straight. Harry said, "All done, dad." Snape nods and lowers Harry back to the ground. Snape stands next to Harry and said, "Now, she's literally looking down at us, Harry." Harry smiles as Snape sighs, "I hope your mother is happy for us up there." Harry said, "I hope so too, dad."

Harry helps Snape decorate the rest of his quarters. They hung a garland on the mantle of the fireplace. A red bow pinned to the center of the garland. Snape puts a green candle on the mantle. The candle holder that the candle was on had poinsettias glued all the way around it. He hung a Christmas wreath above the fireplace. Harry hung a wreath on the front door. Snape pulls out two Christmas stockings. He looks at Harry and smiles slightly. The boy is really enjoying himself, decorating their quarters. He looks back at the two stockings and pulls out his wand. He changes the color of one stocking to be red with the foot and top part of the stocking to be gold. Harry's name in green on the top, gold part of the stocking. He put a lion on the red part of the stocking. Once he finished, he hangs the stocking on the fireplace where the garlands were hung. Snape then changes the second stocking to have the top part and the foot part of stocking to be silver. The rest was green. He then put his name in black on the silver part of his stocking. Then, he puts cauldrons, potion bottles and vials on his stockings. He hung his stocking next to Harry's. Harry turns to see two stockings hanging by the fireplace. His jaw drops to see his name one one of them. Harry said, "I have a Christmas stocking, dad?" Snape puts his wand up his sleeve as he said, "Of course there is, Harry. Every child should have one. Adults as well." Harry smiles, "This is going to be the best Christmas ever!" Snape smiles slightly, "I agree, Harry." Once they were finished decorating, they sit back on the couch to look at their handy work. Snape was satisfied with their work. He said, "I never thought I would see the day, where my quarters would be decorated for Christmas." Harry chuckles, "We did pretty good, dad." Snape said, "I agree, Harry." Harry said, "Do you want to go outside and play in the snow with me, dad?" Snape looks at Harry, "I haven't done that in years...." Harry said, "Please dad. We can build a snowman or have a snowball fight or." Snape smirks, "Or we can do both." Harry grins, "Is that a yes, dad?" Snape nods, "It's a yes, Harry. Go on and bundle up. I'll meet you outside." Harry grins and hugs his dad, "See you outside, dad!" Snape hugs him back and watches him leave. Snape shakes his head, this was going to be interesting.

Harry's New Guardian (A Snape Mentor/Adopts Harry  Fanfic) Book 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu