Soup. On my carpet...

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This is outrageous. 

I had to skip breakfast this morning.


Well I had not intended to skip breakfast...

I dropped a container of left over soup I'd made myself two nights ago, it spilled. 

So now my carpet's ruined. Wonderful right?

I sigh, cleaning soup off a friggin carpet is hard...

I've been trying all day to get it off my's not working!

Now the bloody thing is stained orange! 

"Dammit..." I curse under my breath. I spilled the soup at 11:00 a.m.

Luckily it's Saturday, so I didn't have to worry about school.

It's currently 10:38 p.m.

I give up on trying to clean my carpet. Guess I should get rid of it...I've been inside my dorm all day, I'm freaking exhausted. But I wanna go see how my classmates have been dealing without me~

First I wanna eat dinner...even though it's kinda late. I haven't eaten all's kinda ridiculous that all day, all I did, all I tried to do, without taking a break, was try to clean off my carpet. The carpet's not even that special...


I was dedicated.

Should I eat..? I mean...I haven't eaten all day...

I never actually eat properly. Sooooooo, haha. I'm so idiotic sometimes.

But whatever!

Eh...I guess I don't have to...some days I don't eat anyway. 

But I sure could use some water.

(It came to my attention that I'd used the r slur, I'm so sorry about that. I changed it.)

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