He gently slaps my cheek. "Stay with me, squirrel," he says, his gaze fixed on mine. "Just breathe. You're safe now."

I follow his instructions, focusing on my breathing as I try to sit up. Realizing I'm still in the lake, panic spikes again. Despite my frantic flailing, Scott holds me securely.

"Stay still," he says, lifting me so that I face him. "I won't let go. I'm here."

I wrap my legs around his waist, my heart pounding not just from being so close to him but from the fear of drowning. "Get me out of here," I manage to choke out, my teeth chattering. "Please. Water is not really my scene."

Scott grins, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "On one condition."

"What do you want?" I ask, rolling my eyes. "Just know I'm not going to sleep with you."

Scott pouts slightly, shaking his head. "Hmm," he hums, smirking. "Tempting, but no. I'm going to teach you how to swim."

I narrow my eyes at him. "Uh, no?" I shake my head. "If you lived with me for a year, you'd know water and I are not best friends."

"Come on," he says, his pout reappearing. My eyes stray to his lips. "It'll be fun. Things are always fun when I'm around."

I roll my eyes at his grin. "No, your fun landed us in this situation in the first place," I retort. "So we're not having any fun."

"Fine," he says, and I breathe a sigh of relief. That was easier than I expected.

But then he starts to unwrap my legs from around his waist. "Scott, what are you—"

Before I can finish, he lets go. "Okay fine, you win!" I shout. "Now get me out of here. It's freezing."

Scott chuckles and brushes the hair from my face. My breath catches as he turns, allowing me to climb onto his back. I wrap my arms around his neck as he begins to paddle toward the shore.

When we finally reach land, Scott turns and grins at me. "I'm so excited!" he exclaims. "I know you're not a fan of water, but what's the best way to learn than with me?"

I roll my eyes. "Does everything have to be about you?" I ask, folding my arms over my drenched clothes.

Scott removes his shirt, and I gulp. "No," he replies, his tone light. "Everything doesn't have to be about me, squirrel. It is about me. It's always been about me."

He turns and disappears into the bushes behind the shore. I take off the hoodie, feeling my clothes cling to my skin.

When Scott returns with a pile of logs, the muscles in his arms are prominent. He throws the logs down and looks at me. I feel a flush of shyness under his gaze.

I can't stop staring at his defined physique. The urge to touch his skin is almost overwhelming. I snap out of it when I hear the buckle of his belt.

He removes his jeans, and I quickly avert my gaze, my face flushing with embarrassment.

"I suggest you do the same," he says, his tone casual, "unless you want to sit in wet clothes."

As Scott busies himself with making a fire, I shed my wet clothes, feeling exposed. I hang them over a branch nearby.

When I turn back to Scott, he's openly staring at me. I cover my torso with my arms. "Can you not stare at me, please? I feel awkward."

He chuckles. "It's adorable," he says, rubbing his hands together with a stick. "But how can I not look at you when you're that good-looking?"

Heat rises to my cheeks. I cross my arms. "You're such a flirt," I say, scoffing. "Is this how you get everyone to sleep with you? You charm them into bed?"

"Yes!" he cheers when the fire catches, grinning. He looks at me again. "It's not just my charm, squirrel. It's about making the other person feel like they belong."

I think about Elliot and how he made me feel valued until he got what he wanted and left. "Yeah," I finally say, "I guess it makes sense."

Scott steps closer, placing his hands on my shoulders. "If you overthink it, you miss what you have in the present."

I stare into his brown eyes, knowing he's right, but not about to admit it. "Y-Yeah, I agree," I stammer.

He clasps his hands together. "Time for some swimming lessons!"

His enthusiasm is almost overwhelming.

Another groan escapes me. "Fine, let's get this over with."


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