Follow me. Chapter 7

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After we left the airport we all got in the black car they seem to always have.

In the car Alec and I exchanged the odd look here and there which always made him and I smile every time.  

As we drove on the cobbled ground I knew we were close to the castle. I remember it all too well the first time I was kidnapped from the side of the street and brought here. I knew I would be coming here, Aro made it very clear that I would be staying there for the foreseeable future, whenever that is!

As the car came to a hault just infront of the castle's doors, we all got out except for the driver, who drove off as soon as we were all out. 

"Don't just stand there! Follow me." Jane ordered me in a tone that can only be described as plain arrogant. 

We made our way through the corridors and came to the same big doors leading to the main hall that I came through to speak to Aro, well more like he spoke yo me and I just nodded along, I was far more concerned at the time the Jane was tightening her grip on my arm the more Aro spoke about how special I was.

Now that it's Aro's and I second encounter I was a bit more confident walking through those big doors once more. Jane led us in while Alec walked beside me. Aro looked up from a sheet he was reading off and a smile appeared on his face.

"Ah, Eilse we meet again.You are looking more healthier now." Aro said while standing up, walking towards me and picking up my hand to hold.I knew he was reading all my thoughts so I stayed quite until I saw that he was finished.

"Carisle is a good Doctor and a good..." I hesitated for a moment but everyone was waiting for me to finish the sentence so I did."Father."

Aro smiled slightly and dropped my hand as he made his way slowly to his throne.

"I bet your tired, Jane, Alec show her to her room.

Jane and Alec nodded and led me out of the hall and down a very white corridor. 

"Whats wrong with him?"I questioned once we were far enough that he couldn't hear me.

"I have no clue." Alec said as he laid a hand on the small of my back.

"Nothing is wrong with him." Jane retorted as she led us into a very comfortable sized bedroom. The walls were a creamy brown colour and the furniture was dark oak. A queen size bed took up about half the room with a wardrobe and vanity taking up the other half.

"Bathroom is through there." Jane pointed towards a door in my room which I assumed was the bathroom.

"Spare clothes are in the wardrobe." Alec smiled. "And if you need anything I am in the room right beside yours." alec smirked causing Jane to growl which then cause both Alec and I to laugh. 

Jane sighed heavily and stormed out the room.

"I better see if she is okay, goodnight." Alec said then winked at me and the left, causing me to be all alone.

I noticed a clock on the bedside locker and it read 1:09am. I didn't think it was that late! I got into the comfy bed.Because I being half human half vampire, I needed to sleep, not alot but a couple hours at least.

Soon I began drifting off into a much needed rest.

Writers Note: Hey guys! I know this has been on hold for a long time but I decided to start updating again due to popular demand. I want to thank you soo much for Reading. Don't forget to comment, vote ect! Also sorry for all the spelling mistakes, i am writing this on my phone and it is proving to be difficult, as soon as I get on a computer I will fix them.

So what do you think about this chapter? What do you think was wrong with Aro?  

Comment bellow!

Thanks again - É

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