Sharrkan || Roses ||

Start from the beginning

      "Your hair looks very nice today."

      "Wait. What?"


      Then it was small acts of service for her. Some days he would take it upon himself to sort the papers she was given from Ja'far. Sometimes he would pick up packages from the bazaar for the palace, which was a job that (Y/N) often took upon herself to do. Each time Sharrkan did something for her, whether she knew it was him doing it or not, she was delighted. The look of surprised and happiness on her face made Sharrkan's day each time he caught a glimpse of it. 

      And then he began actually hanging out with her at the parties Sinbad would throw for Sindria. Instead of being sarcastic about the skimpy clothes Pisti made for (Y/N) for parties, he began asking (Y/N) if there were any flowers or beads and such that she wanted for the outfits. He volunteered to go out and fetch the bobbles and flowers for her. Needless to say (Y/N) was taken aback at first. 

      "Well," she said one night. "I guess... could you get me a rose for my hair before the dances?"


      "A red one, please."

      Sharrkan scrunched his nose up at the response. He didn't do so at her, but at his own ignorance. "There are other colored roses other than red?" Caught off guard by her sudden laughter, he went pink. "What?"

      "Just get me a red rose, Sharrkan," she said with a small snicker. Smiling brightly to him, (Y/N) shook her head and walked off to find Pisti. 

      And then, finally, Sharrkan had worked up the courage to formally ask her on a date. Before he left his room in the morning, he began stretching and rolling out his muscles just as he would before going to train. He was just nervous. Hopping twice in place, Sharrkan heavily breathed out and then stepped out of his door. He found her meditating sitting atop the edge of the fountain in the courtyard. Thinking it was the wrong time, he tried sneaking off, but (Y/N) cleared her throat signaling that she knew he was there. 

      "Bad time?" he asked, noticing that her eyes were still closed as she breathed in and out in measured breaths. 

      "Not really. What do you need?"

      He scratched the back of his head and gulped. "Uh. Well, uh--" Damn, this is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be, he thought.

      "Spit it out," (Y/N) said lightly. She raised her hands above her head and exhaled slowly, obviously counting the intervals between her inhales and exhales. 

      "Right. Okay. (Y/N)." He walked closer to her and cleared his throat. "Would you like to come to the gardens with me later?" he asked, heart thudding in his chest. 

      "What, like a date?" she asked, half joking. 

      "Uh. . . yeah, actually. Will you go on a date with me?"

      (Y/N) almost fell backwards into the fountain. 

      They met later that evening, both fairly dressed up in their own way for each other, and Sharrkan extended an arm for her to lead her to the gardens. "Since when are you a gentleman?" (Y/N) quipped as she took his tanned arm. 

      "I would like to try for you, if that's alright," Sharrkan returned in a genuine, almost embarrassed tone. He smiled and laughed gently as he saw her blush. She truly looked lovely in the sunlight. She wore simple yet flowing and soft clothes that complimented her figure and she had styled her hair and finished her look off with a gold necklace she had had since she was a child. Sharrkan always loved when she wore it. He found it adorable when she would mess with it absentmindedly when reading, writing, or talking. The little things he was noticing about her made him giddy with admiration. 

      "So I set this up earlier. Don't laugh at me if you think it's dumb," he warned. 

      But her reaction to the surprise was more than he could have hoped for. Upon entering the clearing of the garden, (Y/N) gasped as she saw the blanket laid out by the rose bushes. Unlit candles and a basket of food awaited them. A small bouquet of different colored roses laid on a small pile of pillows and the sunlight danced on their petals. "You did this for me?" she asked when she knelt down on the blanket and picked up the flowers. 

      "Yeah," Sharrkan chuckled. "I just hope I didn't go overboard. But hey!" He pointed to the array of differently colored roses in her hands. "I didn't know that the colors had meanings. Apparently--" he began to pointed to the flowers, "--white roses mean innocence and purity, yellow means joy and caring, orange roses are given to show attraction (he glanced up to her briefly after saying this), pink is gentleness, and red is passion." He winked to her. "I did my research."

      (Y/N) giggled then smelled the flowers. "They're lovely," she said. "This is lovely. Thank you." She leaned forward and kissed his cheek tenderly. Sharrkan's face went aflame and he fought for something to say but ended up only stuttering with no meaning. This only made (Y/N) laugh again, but Sharrkan was alright with acting like a fool in front of her if it meant he got to hear her happy. 

      They reclined on the blanket and pillows and ate dinner together for hours, talking endlessly about everything that came to mind. The sweet scent of the roses around them almost seemed to cast a spell on them. They inched closer to each other over time and soon (Y/N) was wrapped in Sharrkan's arms as they watched the sunset together. Gingerly, Sharrkan brushed his thumb over the skin of her arm and she leaned her head back against his chest. More content than he had ever been in his life, Sharrkan sighed and smiled. 

      Now, Sharrkan never really liked love songs or poems. He found them cliche and boring. But now he understood the feeling that urged people to write things like that. He felt weightless and warm, giddy and nervous at the same time. She made his heart soar with the simplest of things. He prayed that he would never lose that feeling each time he laid eyes on her. 

      When Sharrkan kissed her he felt the entire world melt away around him. Pulling her close to him, he held her tenderly. She was sweet in every way, a true gift to his life. He never wanted to let her go. He knew he had made the right choice to pursue her, and he would never regret it. 

Because this was love.

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