2:Let me in

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"Is Derek in?" 


This was Adam talking. He was the medical witch of the entire pack.

"Hey answer me is the alpha in?"

More silence

"Listen you little piece of shit before I.....",

"Before you what Adam huh? You gonna kill me with your little vudu spells." 

The guy had the nerve to chuckle.How dare he mock him. How dare he stand there as if Adam was an insignificant specimen or the equation.If anything this pack should be grateful to have him, infact it should be grateful to have all of his clan even associated with those mangy mutts. 

Adam had always considered himself a reasonable man, he knew how powerful he was but never even abused his power. Unlike some men who could not answer a simple question as to  whether or not someone was in his office.

As much as Adam wanted to blow some hallucination powder that was nicely packed into his back pocket and was at this jerk he didn't.Instead he just grit his teeth to the point where they might break, balled his hands into a fist and in took a deep breath, " Its about Veronica."

The guy almost choked from shoke which earned him a smirk from Adam. He just  stood there, as lifeless as a manican. It seemed as though his soul had left his body but the body didn't seem to know about it yet. His eyes had bulged and for some reason he couldn't seem to shut his mouth. He looked like a fish with his lips shaped into a pathetic 'o'.

Adam drew his face closer and slowly spoke," Now I will ask again is Derek in, you better tell me now.", he stood back and started fixing himself ," Unless you want to deal with his wrath, and we wouldn't want that now would we?"

The guy looked like he was about to wet his pants. It fascinated Adam how much the very mention of Derek's supposed wrath made it seem as though he was a monster in a kid's closet or a shadow under the bed, the kid being the likes of this dummy in front of him.

"Y.......yyy......ee.....",he cluttered. The guy was practically shaken, he looked terrified.

"Uhhhm I'm going to take that as a yes buddy."

Adam took the liberty of letting himself inside the pack house, but just before he got in he looked back for fully grabbed a handful of the guy's shoulder and whispered sheepishly, " Don't  worry I'm not going to tell the big bad that you were mean me."smirked Adam.

An Alpha's weakness is his Luna. An Alpha's strength is also his Luna. Some Alphas rejected their Lunas at the very first sight, whilst others would rather spend an eternity, scouring through the ends of the earth just to find her.

Then those are those who are fortunate enough to meet their soulmate the instant very instant that they become of age. Derek was one of those lucky bustard.

He would do anything for his Veronica, even if it meant starting a war and killing thousands of innocents, he'd do it without an essence of doubt. That is why the guard outside had freaked out. If something were to happen to her just because he was too smug to tell Adam whether the Alpha was in or not, his head would be gone for.

Adam knew his way through the house so he didn't need anyone to escort him. He reached the Alpha's office door and suddenly he felt the wave of absolute power emminating from the inside.

Oh he was in alright. Adam took a deep breath and held out his hand towards the door.

"I can smell you breathing, and you wreak of Maggie's embrace!", a rich voice shouted from the other side of the door. It always bothered Adam that these creatures could sense them a mile away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2020 ⏰

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