"Patty and I are going out, do you need anything?"

I look up, thinking for a moment, before a smile spreads across my lips. "See if everyone would like to come over for a bit. I'll need help figuring out a date for the party."

"We're on it!", Patty flexes her arms, before Liz drags her out of the room. 

My eyes slip back onto the paper, and I slump my shoulders in defeat. My hand is starting to cramp from writing for too long. I lean back in the chair, and fold my hands in my lap. I didn't know Miss Bubble Tea lived so close to the DWMA. She's off work early. Maybe she got sick- No, no, she didn't look ill. I wonder why she was staring at us. Maybe she didn't know I was in the DWMA- no, everyone knows I'm in the DWMA, my father runs the place. Whatever the reason, she didn't want me to know she was looking. 

Maybe she's plotting something. 


Sona Bordot


"Clyde... Clyde", I whisper, shaking him gently.

He moans a bit, his eyes fluttering open before landing upon mine. I smile ever so gently, until I realize the look on his face. I forgot- he doesn't like being woken up. His eyes narrow, his hand snaking up my stomach and chest, finally landing at my throat. I gulp hard, his fingertips wrapping tight around my neck slowly. I let out a forced, shaky breath, feeling the walls of my throat caving in. I shutter, gasp, squirm, but it's no use. He'll always be stronger than me. I stare deeply into his eyes, pleading, begging, and he finally releases me. 

I cough, gasping and wheezing for breath as he throws himself to his feet, kicking my side roughly. I let out a pained squeak, falling onto the mattress and holding my stomach. I shouldn't have been so stupid- I should have remembered! Why am I so stupid- why am I so dimwitted!?

"I-I'm sorry", I choke out, reaching out for his hand. 

His fingertips brush against mine, but he quickly swipes his hand away, glaring down at me as if I was a puppy in trouble. After a few seconds, I finally catch my breath, and he wraps his hand around my hair, tugging roughly. I fall off the mattress as he drags me across the floor and to the door. I don't dare kick or struggle- he'll rip out my hair. Instead, I lay limply, closing my eyes and awaiting any sort of impact. 

"Go get changed. We're going to dinner."

I struggle to my feet, panting and trembling. He lets go of my hair, only after giving me another swift tug, and I drag my feet across the floor and to the closet. I glance towards him as I tear off my clothes- he doesn't look away. As I change, I'm very aware of his eyes on me- of what he's imagining as I stand there naked. I grab a pair of underwear, but before I can slip them over my ankles, he takes a step towards me.

I stare at him, crossing my legs and holding my arms against my chest. He's hungry- I can see it in his eyes, the way they twitch and trace my body. I look down a bit, and take a step back. 

"Don't", I whisper, grabbing whatever clothes I can and holding them close. "Don't touch me."

He pauses for a second, before taking more steps towards me, until I'm pressed against the wall, no where else to go. He slams his fist next to my head, cracking the already chipped paint in the wall, and breathes heavily against my neck. Goosebumps prick at my skin, and I can feel his breath trailing down my spine. I involuntarily let out a shaky sigh, and close my eyes tight, setting my hand on his chest. 

"Clyde.. Don't", I say more sternly, opening my eyes and pressing my forehead against his. "If you love me, you'll wait."

"Who ever said I loved you?", He growls, restraining my wrists and scrunching up his nose in fury. "Do you really think that highly of yourself, you narcissistic bitch?"

I let out a whimper, fear engulfing every one of my senses, and shut my eyes again. The clothes I had used as protection crumble to the floor, completely useless. He uses one hand to restrain my wrists above my head, and uses the other to trace my waist, gripping my hip tight. I gasp, tears prickling the corners of my eyes. 

"Clyde.. Stop!", I start to squirm, kicking my feet, whipping my head every which way. "Stop it!"

"Who the fuck do you think you are!?", His voice seems to shake the entire apartment, and he quickly throws me to the mattress, setting one foot on my stomach and digging his boot into my flesh. "You owe me everything! I could eat your soul right now, and yet, I'm nice enough to spare you. Don't you think I deserve this? I give you everything!"

I let out a squeaky gasp, squirming under his foot. The pain subsides, and I can tell that that's a bad sign. I finally stop struggling, and lay there, weak and defeated. He smirks, removing his foot and climbing on top of me slowly. 

I stare at the ceiling, and count the cracks, the cobwebs in the corner, the speckled holes. 

He removes his clothes.

I count the cracks. 

He touches me. 

I count the cobwebs in the corner.

He enters me. 

I count the speckled holes. 

Black Bubble Tea 【SoulEater】Where stories live. Discover now