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SELINA, a 19-year-old girl from the Netherlands, wandered the streets of Barcelona. It was just her second day there and she was already completely lost. But she just couldn't help it. Her mother always used to say that her orientation equaled the one of a mole without a nose. Even in her hometown, the city of Rotterdam, she had trouble to find her way to the locations she was supposed to be at. And now she was in a completely different country where they spoke a language she didn't know. Sighing, she sat down on a bench in the park she was at and tried to find the street where the company she was supposed to be in in five minutes was located. Even though she tried to stay serious, she just had to laugh at her own stupidity. In most situations, Sel, that's what most friend called her, couldn't keep a straight face. If you asked her friends, they would say she is one of the people who always sees the best in situations and can laugh about literally anything. That one time she broke her elbow because she fell down the stairs, the doctors had to hold her so they could treat her. Her laughing didn't stop after her dad told her how ridiculous it looked when she fell down.

By now she was probably stared at like she was a maniac, but she couldn't care less. At this point she didn't even realize anything around her, so there was no way she payed attention to the young man sitting down next to her, calmly waiting until she noticed him. When she did, she just sat there, mouth agape. She recognised him. Right in front of her was one of Netherlands' most famous footballers, Frenkie de Jong. He chuckled at her reaction, then pointed at the plan and said:"Are you trying to find your way around?"

She had to be dreaming, she thought. This couldn't be true. She probably collapsed from her laughing fit and she was imagining this. To ensure it was real, she poked him in the shoulder, earning a confused look from him.
Then it hit her. This was real. He was real. She noticed she hadn't replied yet.
"Uhm, yeah. I'm new here and my orientation is, uhm, you could say, not the best."

He laughed a bit. It was a soft laugh, not mean or degrading. He didn't laugh about her, he laughed with her. "Don't worry, I'm new here, too. This is probably the only place I know so far here besides my flat and Camp Nou."
This brought her to laugh, which resulted in him noticing how beautiful she was. Her blue eyes shimmered when she laughed, opening up a whole new world. And the laugh alone was angelic. He had never heard something like that before. It sounded like little bells ringing.

When he snapped out of his thoughts, he saw her stare at him. He realized that he had probably been staring at her a bit long. Oh boy, she must think he is a creep now.
He quickly said:"I can call a friend to show you the way. He lives around here and has been in Barcelona for quite a few years now."
"Really? That would be so nice! I am really desperate to get there, it's a job offer and really important for me, so I can live here."
'Wow, Sel, good job. Now you probably gave him every possible information you could. He coudl stalk you now. Wait. What? What am I thinking? Right, Frenkie de Jong stalking me. Why am I overthinking this? Shut up!'
She always had these discussions with herself. Her subconscious always had these crazy, paranoid ideas and she tried to brush it off, knowing there was no way something like that would happen.

In the meantime, Frenkie had called his friend and she was more than happy when he arrived. He was a young Spaniard she didn't recognize, but he probably was one of Frenkie's teammates. She got in his car, waved Frenkie a quick goodbye and they drove off. She gave him the address and when he dropped her off there, she regret not giving Frenkie her phone number. It would have been nice to have contact with another Dutch while being here. She brushed off these thoughts and tried to find a good excuse for her possible new boss why she was late to her first try-out day.

With many different thoughts on her mind she walked into the big building of the company her dad's friend was the CEO of. That was the only reason she had been given the chance to work there and sometimes she wondered if she took things too granted in life. Maybe she should start to work something out on her own...

okay, this is short, but just the prologue
honestly, i am so inspired for it, it's crazy
i hope you enjoyed it! 💘

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