Chapter 5

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I hear a bark from the other side of my apartment door. 

I smile at the sound, while struggling to get my full hands into my pocket to grab my keys.

"Hey boy." I call out to my little yorkie, Ace. 

He runs up me licking, and yapping at me, circling around my legs in circles.

Dropping my bags I reach down and pet him. 

"Were you good while I was away?"

He yips.. so cute. 

I trip over him and fall into my closet.. don't ask how. I've become so clumsy in the past couple years.

A basket falls from the top shelf, emptying itself all over my face.

That's great.. I think to myself.

I look at the photos scattered all over the floor.. 

They bring back memories that to this day, I'm trying to forget.

My father died last December. Begged me publicly on television to come home and see him, that wherever I am, he'd like to see me one last time. To apologize for everything, prove to me that he had changed.. That was last April. I figured it was a sick trick to get me to go back, so I ignored it. 

A couple months later I saw clips from his funeral on the news.. 

I never looked into how he died.. I was always scared that if I looked into it, I'd regret not going back. Sometimes I resent myself for not going... but I know if I did, I would have stayed. 

Plus over the years my father became close with Mr. Maveryk. His right hand man in the business. In interviews they'd call each other best friends, under unfortunate circumstances. That unfortunate circumstance being me, his son's runaway bride.

I didn't leave him at the altar though, so technically it's incorrect. But whatever, I never corrected them for telling my story wrong.

They sure as hell weren't afraid to tell the story... in fact, they used it to further their brand. 

I admit to stalking Coltyn on Instagram.. 

He's with a new girl every week. Every photo he's whoring around, making out with other chicks, taking them to fancy dinners, parties, gatherings.. 

And every time I see him with another girl, somewhere deep in the back of my mind and heart, I think 'That could've been me, it should have been us.' 

But then I remember, he never loved me to begin with.

It was all a trick to win my father over.

Well, him and Mr. Maveryk got what they wanted.

He took over the company, and is supposedly passing it on to Coltyn soon. 

I've always kept tabs on them. I made a new home for myself here, but nobody forgets where they come from.

While he's screwing a different girl a day, I haven't been with anybody but him, since him.. 

They say you can never forget your first. 

I technically have his last name.. I technically am a Maveryk.

But nobody knows that I'm that Maveryk.

Any time somebody asks if I know Coltyn, his dad, or my father I just laugh, deny it, and shrug them off. 

Nobody really cares either way. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2019 ⏰

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