Chapter Twenty-Seven: Tiny Kubrow

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As Yang opened and tipped over the cylinder, an object of equal size fell onto the ground, bringing confusion to everyone. As the object shook, it took the form of a small corgi, bringing several different expressions from everyone. Each one ranging from Ryoma and Piper's utter confusion to Weiss, Ruby, and Yang's excitement to Blake's horror.

 Each one ranging from Ryoma and Piper's utter confusion to Weiss, Ruby, and Yang's excitement to Blake's horror

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Ryoma: What the-?

Zwei: *Bark! Bark!*

Ruby: Zwei!

Blake: He sent a dog?

Weiss: In the mail?

Yang: Oh, he does stuff like this all the time!

Upon the dog making eye contact with Blake, she bailed onto Ruby's bunk.

Blake: Your father or your dog?

Weiss: Are you telling me that this mangy... drooling... mutt is going to wiv wif us foweva?

Ryoma & Piper: ?

Weiss: Oh, yes he is, yes he is! Oh, isn't he adorable!?

Ryoma: ... Not really.

Looking back at the Tenno, Weiss expressed sarcastic distraught as she asked.

Weiss:  Wha-!? How could you say such a thing, Ryoma!?

Piper: It's so tiny! Can I.... can I eat it?

Upon sniffing Zwei's body, the Kubrow began shaking her head as the small dog lept up onto her head, tossing it aside as Ryoma pointed out the obvious.

Piper: Hey! Off my face, gremlin!

Ryoma: That's why.

Blake: Please keep it away from my belongings.

Over a school wide intercoms system, Miss Goodwitch instructed the first-year students.

Glynda: Would all first-year students please report to the amphitheater? I repeat. Would all first-year students please report to the amphitheater? Thank you.

Weiss: Well, we can't exactly leave him here while we're gone for the week.

Ruby: Why not? Ryoma had his pet approved by the headmaster?

Ryoma: Ruby, if I may?

Ruby: ?

Ryoma: That took at least a month for him to register and approve of Piper. Even then... I can't exactly bring her outside of the Academy.

Ruby: Oh... Drat!

Yang: Look, there's a letter! "Dear girls, I've got to leave the island for a few days, so I'm sending Zwei to you to take care of. Enclosed is all the food you should need. Love you both, Taiyang."

As she said that, several dozen cans of dog food piled up from the cylinder onto the floor beside her, further confusing the Tenno and his Kubrow.

Ryoma: How the-?

We, the Dreamers: A RWBY x Warframe TaleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz