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I downed down an entire bottle of water while walking outside of UA. I just completed the entrance exam. Of course my aunt and uncle wanted to recommend me but I still wanted to take the exam. My oldest sister Emma is supposed to pick me up today. I have a license to drive but Maddie dropped me off. Emma and Jacob, 17, both born on November 13th. Maddie, 16 born on May 3. Scott, 16 born on August 20. Then there's me. The youngest of 5. Y/n, 15, born on January 1st. They all go to UA. Maddie and Scott are second years and Emma and Jacob are third years. I want to become a first year. I did get plenty of recommendations like Auntie, Uncle, Emma, Maddie, Scott, Jacob, Mom, and Dad so I should get in without a problem. I got 79 points so I'm extremely hopping I get in. Suddenly a black truck pulled up quickly. "Come on sis!" Emma yelled. I looked at everyone. Jacob in the passenger seat, Emma driving, Scott and Maddie in the back. I rolled my eyes and hopped in with ease. As soon as I sat down my sister hit the gas. My sisters truck was different. I had installed seats in the trunk of the truck so it could fit four more people. In total it can fit 9 people. In the front, inside the truck was the two front seats then three back seats then the four I installed. I buckled myself in and grabbed a bag of popcorn. Maddie laughed as I shoved a bunch in my mouth. "So How was the exam?" She asked me. "79 points. I'm hopping I get in." she rolled her eyes. "You're gonna get in!" Scott said and kicked my foot. I kicked him back.

The thing about me and my family being so close in age is that we fight a lot but are very protective of each other. But we are very close. We covered for each other when one wanted to sneak out or one didn't do their chores. We told each other everything. "So Emma! How's the crush?" I wiggles my brows at Maddie and Scott as they smirked and smiled. We had walked talkies because let's face it all five of us are completely children. Scott was 5'9 with blonde hair and hazel eyes. Maddie was 5'5 with dirty blonde hair that went to her mid back and blue eyes. Jacob was 6'1 with brown hair and brown eyes. Emma was 5'6 with waist length brown hair and brown eyes. Emma almost slammed on the breaks because of the question.

"Jesus lord, May the Christ compel you, calm down women!" I yelled into my wallow talkie and Maddie, Jacob, and Scott laughed. "I still don't get your weird way of over reaction sentences." Emma said back. Maddie and I both laughed as we stopped for a light. "So what's we doing today???" I asked the four. "Lets go see the new spider man movie!" Maddie said with excitement. "Yea!" Scott and I said at the same time. "Kids your forgetting that Momo is supposed to sleep over tonight." Jacob said. "Let's invite her then!" I said and pulled out my phone. "Don't call her! We're on our way to her house!" Emma yelled through the walker talkie. "Soooooo?" I asked and I could feel her roll her eyes.

She slammed on the gas and Maddie, Scott, and I jerked while are seatbelts tightened. "Gah!" "Stop!" We all yelled at her through the Wallis talkies. Once we slowed down I unfolded another seat next to me. We made a sharp turn and I laughed as Maddie freaked out. As soon as we stopped in front of Momo's house she came out with a duffel bag.

We were her escape from reality. The ones she came to, to not feel the pressure of her parents. She came to us for relief from having to stand right and sit probably. Always have correct grammar and never get bad grades. Momo enjoyed getting good grades but she needed a place where you could put on sweatpants and eat candy for breakfast! A place where you could make chocolate milkshakes and put towers of whipped cream on them. A fun place.

We were her fun place.

I hopped out of the truck and grabbed her hand. I gave her a lift into the truck and placed her duffel bag in the front seat. I hopped back in and we speed back into town. We drove to the back of the diner were there was 8 reserved parking spots. One Scott's. One Jacob's. One was Maddie's. One moms. One dads. One mind and now one is Emma's. We piled out as I grabbed Momo's bag. The parking lot was packed as usual. The diner was the first floor and the next four was our home. It was right in the center of town. Yea we have lots of money and we come from a rich family, but we don't need that life. The diner dad and mom started was called 'Candy'. Unusual name but I like it. Momo's mom and my dad are the related ones so that's how Momo and I are related. We all rushed into the crowded diner to see Wanda on roller skates. Wanda was a waitress. 24, 5'7 black hair, sassy nerd with glasses. She slipped and I grabbed her and helped her steadily herself. She thanked me before trying to skate again. My family rushed upstairs and Maddie took Momo's bag. I held Wanda up from falling and made her sit on a stool. I bent down and started untying her skates. "W-What are you doing?" She stuttered out. I smiled up at her.
"You obviously can't skate! You can where whatever shoe you have with you and if you have any free time I can teach you to skate." I told her while pulling off her first skate and placing it on the checkerboard tile floor. "A-are you sure John won't be mad?" She asked. John was my dad. The manager of the place while mom cooked with a few others and my sisters and I waitressed. I shook my head. "Oh course not! Just try to get him to skate. He'll faceplate every time he tries to stand!" I said and she laughed.

I took her skates and stood up. "Go get your other shoes. We can't have you getting hurt." She nodded before taking the skates from my hand and running off to the door labeled employees only. I looked at the tray she was carrying and grabbed the order. Table 4. I grabbed the tray and turned around, moving around to a table at the entrance. There sat a girl with white hair that had red specks in it and glasses, a boy with white hair, and a younger boy with half red hair and half right hair along with heterochromia eyes and a scar. I gave them a smile and placed their food down. "Enjoy!" I shot them a smile before walking to the counter. Wanda came back out wearing sneakers and thanked me for doing her job. I nodded and ran upstairs. I got up to the top floor and went to my room. I got some clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I quickly finished and changed into grey sweatpants, and a black crop top. I pulled on fuzzy socks and sneakers and walked down to the diner to see my sisters, brothers, and Momo all sitting at the bar. I walked behind it while pulling out three water bottles and two glasses. I handed everyone a water and went into the kitchen to make Maddie and Scott, vanilla milkshakes. I put ice cream into the blender and mike along with a few things that's a secret. I poured it into two glasses and got a can of whipped cream out. I waved to mom while pushing the door open. I slid the milkshake to Maddie and Scott and tossed Maddie the can of whipped cream. She caught it and started building a tower on her milkshake. "Hey! Want a milkshake to go with that cream?" Emma asked and Maddie gave a sarcastic laugh. "So how about spider man?" I asked. Immediately conversation struck. "Spider Man: Far From Home. We can see it in 30 minutes in 3d." Emma said while scrolling through her phone. "Wait I thought that didn't come out for another month?" Momo asked. I shook my head. "It came out like a week ago." Scott answered and I grabbed someone's order and brought it to their table. It was a natural instinct to do work. It ran through our family. "Let's go see spider man!" Maddie said and grabbed Momo and Emma. I rolled my eyes while she ran to the truck and grabbed the glasses, washing them in the sink. I walked out and hopped in the tuck with them before we headed off.

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