(Yandere! Phantom Blood Dio x Ex-Prostitute! Reader) I've waited so long (2/?)

Start from the beginning

"He's gone, and left me with my ticket out of this hell hole." He held up a letter in his hand looking back down to y/n.

"What is that?"

"It is a letter the explains my connection with the Joestars. My father, saved the head of the household 12 years ago after his carriage crashed and killed his wife. In return, he was indebted to us. And now I am to go and live with them in their manor! Is it not wonderful?! Finally, out of these rags! Out of the dirt! I'll never want for money again! I'll never crawl about like a rat looking for food! I will finally be able to live my life the way I deserve!"

Dio's eyes twinkled like stars. His future, had been handed to him. In a single letter, her dear friend, had just become a prince. 

They could not speak long, as Dio had to hurry home and prepare. The carriage that was to bring him the Joestar Manner  was fast approaching and would soon be there to pick him up. He only wanted to tell her goodbye without disappearing quietly.  Y/N congratulated him with tears in her eyes. Happy that her friend was going to a better place. But sad that she would likely not see him again for a long time. Dio wiped her tears and promised that he would visit her soon. As she was the best thing that came out of this place.

"As long as you have the pendant that i gave you, rest assured, I will come back."


1884, Y/N is currently 16, Dio is 18.

 Y/n was standing on her front doorstep, spilling the contents of last night's waste bucket onto the floor. Her mind was absent as she thought over the offer she received. A fool she would be if she were to refuse such pay. It didn't matter what this particular job offered. It would be enough to feed her. Besides, it wasn't like she'd need to do it all the time. Just every so often to pay for her meals. And she would definitely make money. They told her when they last spoke. She had the perfect body for this line of work.

The sound of someone approaching hadn't registered as she was so deep in the repetitious scenario. She was only brought out of it when she heard the sound of someone clearing their throat. Deeply and Gruffly. Her eyes followed the long trek up this tall wall of a man that stood before her. At first, she hadn't recognized him. Not until, he smiled. That same smile she remembered from all those years ago. A mischievous little smirk. His orange eyes glinted with that same shade of darkness.  His short chuckle, though much deeper, was still the same.  It was truly him. Dio kept his promise.

y/n dropped her bucket as she scrambled over to him and embraced him in a hug. "Dio! I barely recogni-" Her words cut off abruptly by him suddenly pulling her away from himself. He kept her at arms length away as his face was flustered. Surprised at first, she looked down and remembered the waste bucket. She realized, she could've dirtied him with the waste she had just emptied. Y/N and Dio were no longer in the same social class. Whereas she had grown accustomed to doing this,  Dio more than likely never had to. Hell, he probably hadn't seen his waste since he'd moved in with the Joestars. 

She quickly hugged her arms close to herself instead. "Oh. Oh. I apologize."

Dio turned his head to the side and cleared his throat. "You've no reason to apologize."

Dio couldn't have cared less about the waste. He had barely even remembered that that's what she was doing. He was so caught up in her sudden embrace. Her small soft form squeezing around his. She had grown. He could feel it on himself. As a gentleman, he had to distance her, before he disgraced himself. It was strange, he had simply come to see her, as he had been thinking about her repeatedly recently. So much so, it was getting in the way of his other plans for the Joestars. To ease his mind and himself, decided to see her on whim. He hadn't realized it would just cause him more unrest instead.

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