unconventional, not even a little new yorker, completely different guy

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I was feeling terrible. That lawyer Sophia introduce me was a big pain in the ass — only in my ass, unfortunately, because he looked like having tons of fun drinking alcohol as it came out of a free fountain known as bar, which his unlimited platinum credit card wouldn't even miss paying, while from his mouth words that, for me, didn't make any sense wildly came out. In 5 minutes I discover he was, not just a racist, but an intolerant (fucking rich!) sexist. Couldn't I care less about his wealth. Money wasn't a problem for me, and having as much as I have a man would lose any small little even almost nonexistent chance of amazing me. I finished my cosmopolitan and touched his right hand over the balcony.

— Although the conversation is quite pleasent... — I lied. Wasn't even paying attention anymore — ...I must go. I'm terribly late. — Slid my hips from the tall chair till my feet could touch the  ground and, of course, he grabbed my arm.

— For what? Late for what? — I do remember opening my mouth to answer, but then after thinking twice about the words that should come out I realized I didn't owed him any satisfaction of information over me. So I just smiled pulling my arm away from him. I think I might heard he scream "cunt!" only the music was to loud to be sure.

First I did seek out for my sister but had to give up. My phone had no signal for a call or message, the music was too damn loud and the crowd started to eat me, pulling me into the middle of groups who danced carefree. I'm guessing the air conditioning was broke because I started to feel my body heat up too fast. Inside my head the music got mixed with multiple parallel conversations and all of a sudden a tachycardia made me scared.

I'm a 25 years old woman who's used going out to dance, runs 3 miles per day, has pilates twice a week, doesn't smoke regularly and only drinks in unpaired days. It's awkward that my heart had a "bad moment" while I was just standing there. I do know my body too well: I was going to passed out in one minute. Having that information confirmed by blurred vision — and worried about being raped if found lying in the ground alone — I looked for the exit as fast as I could. Two steps away from the door had to hear a lecture from the manager about "if going out, not coming in again" which I answered rolling my eyes. Wasn't obvious that I was feeling bad? All people are really that selfish, nowadays? 

I had a negative for that question a few seconds later.

While I bust out of the door almost crashing too the sidewalk, pulling people away because I desperately need fresh air, I bumped to this guy who was smoking, making his cigarette fall in a puddle.

— What the f-? — He said. Meanwhile I had my hands in my knees, my body slightly tilted which made my hair fall in front of my face. I breathed heavily and didn't say anything because I was right he was just another selfish prick. Couldn't be more wrong; he approach, touching my shoulder — Yo, are you ok?

The movement I told my brain to do was "turn towards him and say yes". What my brain actually did was lose balance towards him and say nothing. I felt to his arms with closed eyes and I high blood pressure.

— Cecília? — It was commom people knew who I was because of my father — Charles Stockhart —, but they usually called me Mrs. Stockhart, not Cecília. How intimate. His hand pulled away a bit of hair that felt in front of my eyes, and his fingertips caressed the outline of my face. When my heartbeat return to normal I finally opened my eyes.

I had never been that much suprised. 

— Jesse? — He wasn't smiling — I'm so sorry for your cigarette... — I probably blushed, feeling stupid with the situation. I didn't quite get the face he made, but I'm guessing "confused" because, well, fuck cigarettes when a lady is about to passed out — and die (now I'm just overreacting).

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