What happened?(6)

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Peridot P.O.V

I slowly open my eyes feeling how dry my mouth is I try to move my arms but they feel so sore and weak. I start to slowly scan the room and finally look at the clock it reads 12:30 Pm. I start to look around for lapis she isn't in the bed right across from mine I decide to go back to sleep right when I was about to close my eyes someone walks in the room.

"Hey you're awake how are you feeling?" Lapis says seeming some sort of concern.
"Yes I'm fine other than my arms feeling sore and you know my mouth is dryer than the Sahara Desert but other than that I'm fine" I say confused. I start to slowly sit up as lapis sits on her bed with a box. I let my blanket realizing I don't have a shirt and pick my shirt up off the floor.

"What's In the box mark what's in the box" I say having a small smirk on my face. She looks at me like I'm a idiot then she starts laughing
"You know you're an idiot" she says jokingly.
"Actually yes I do know I'm an idiot thank you for pointing that out but really what's in the box I'm curious" I say starting to get out of bed.
"Well I just got some beers and some lunch I didn't want to wake you because you seemed like you were literally dead so I left you alone" she says starting to laugh.
"Wait do you left me because it looked like I was dead what if I was dead you'd just leave me wow can't believe You Lazuli" I say obviously messing with her.

I walk over to her and sit on her bed and take a beer.
"So what exactly did you get for lunch?" I say questionable
"Well I got ummm sandwiches, soup don't ask why I got it, fries and other shit like that." She says not really sure. I start digging through the box and get some food I lay on her bed and start drinking and eating she lays next to me. We both eat in silence other than the light breeze and the people walking by our room.

I finish my food first and I still just lay there admiring her and her company and start to think.
"Peri how'd you sleep" she says trying to strike some type of conversation.
She breaks my train of thought. "I slept pretty good I feel a lot better now thank you for the food laz." I say genuinely thankful.
"No problem Peri." She says with a smile on her face.
"What happened while I was asleep in the car I think I passed out right when I got in the car" I say trying to remember what happened during the night.
"Are you sure you want to know what happened during the car ride?" She says cautiously

"Yes I'm 100 percent sure" I say
"Ok as long as you're ok with it while you were asleep we were about a block or two away from the house and a cop pulled us over asking a bunch of questions like where are you going so late are you guys ok he saw the beers we had and asked who they belonged to and Garnet took the blame because she had a fake ID he looked it over for a while but eventually let us go" she says all in one breath. I lay there trying to comprehend what she said.

"Are you ok peri?" She says while putting and hand on mine.
"Yes I'm fine I was just trying to figure out what had happened" I say grabbing her hand she lates on her side facing me and I do the same. We just stare at each other for awhile. She lightly whispers
"Can we stay like this all day?" She says cautiously. I smile and answer
"As long as you want" we ended up laying bed for the rest of the day and fall asleep together with our hands holding each other.

(Hey y'all I hope y'all like this chapter how frequently do y'all want me to upload a new chapter)

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