A friend

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Authors note! Ignore the cover art remember she has purple eyes and regular black hair and a strip down her face!

Hiccup and Toothless got up as soon as the sun rose up in sky and packed a little bag to go see Raven and Nebula.
Toothless nudged hiccup sadly, trying to cheer him up with affection. Hiccup smiled at his dragon and rubbed his snoot! So cute!

"Time to go!" Hiccup said hopping onto toothless and clipping his fake foot into the stirrup.

"Wait!!!" A girl screamed from behind them.

Hiccup winced, "what do you want Astrid?"

It was Astrid. Her face was all red and puffy from crying. Hiccup couldn't help but feel a bit of pity, but she did cheat on him so f**k Astrid!!

"Please give me another chance!! I made a mistake!! I love you..." she cried.

Hiccups heart panged. He almost agreed to take her back, but he shook his head.

"Sorry I don't know.. you really hurt me Astrid.. I need some time to think. Come on, Bud." Hiccup said sadly, taking off into the sky with Toothless.

Astrid's sad face soon turned into evilness. "What are you hiding, Hiccup?" She growled as stormfly goofily walked up to her. "Come on Storm fly, we're going on a trip."

Hiccup flew gracefully in the sky  with toothless. His face was scrunched up in thought. I'm sure Astrid didn't mean it.. but she broke so much trust!

His thoughts were cut short as he realise he was arriving at Nebula and Ravens island. His mood perked up after that.

He landed and Raven was already walking towards him with a big smile on her face, "hey Hiccup, what's up?"

Hiccups face was still sad, and Ravens face dropped, "what wrong?"

"Astrid cheated on me.." Hiccup replied quietly.

Raven went up to him and grabbed his hand softly and comfortingly, "that's awful.." she commented with sympathetic eyes.

Hiccup shrugged, "I guess.."

"Hey guess what though Nebula is pregnant!" Raven said happily.

Hiccup perked up at the news. "Pregnant!?"

"Yup come see!!" Raven said excitedly.

Hiccup and toothless went into the hut to see it had been turned into a nest. Nebula was in the middle with three white eggs! "Toothless is going to be a dad.." Hiccup said amazed.

"He's not going to be only nightfury anymore !! We've saved the species!!" Hiccup gasped and clutched onto ravens hand.

Toothless was also ecstatic. He was bouncing around outside the hut and soon went over to sniff his girlfriend and his baby's comfortingly.

In the distance Astrid was watching on stormfly with an evil expression
"Who's cheating on who now?"

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