Part 1

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"Oh, I hit it! Yes I hit it! Did anyone see that?" Hiccup shouted proud of himself until a monstrous nightmare showed itself. "Except for you." Hiccup says sarcastically. The next thing you know there's screaming. Hiccup runs through the village with the dragon on his tail, it fires a napalm-like fire at him barely missing anything vital but as for his arm? It isn't so lucky. Hiccup screams in pain lying on the ground. Astrid and Stoick comes rushing in to save Hiccup, Stoick with the dragon and Astrid with water to put the fire out. Once it's out and the dragon gone Stoick stomped over to him and grabbed him dragging Hiccup to the house "Every time you step outside disaster follow. Can you not see I have bigger problems? Winter's almost here and I have an entire village to feed." Stoick yelled at Hiccup. "Bigger problems than your own son, which by the way I can no longer feel my arm?" Hiccup yelled back tears falling from his eyes. In that moment Stoick regretted what he said. Astrid tried to hug him but he didn't let her. "Don't Astrid your just as much to blame as Stoick. You could have helped me while I was being bullied by everyone else but you chose your reputation over me, in fact all of you are just as guilty as these two, you guys could have helped gained muscle but instead you pushed me away like I meant nothing. You know for being great fighters youre all cowards." After that said Hiccup ran to the woods leaving everyone there thinking about what he said then it hit them like bricks. "He's right we abandoned him when he needed us the most, we are cowards." A Viking said and everyone agreed.

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