The Schuyler sisters

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"Wake up love birds!" I heard someone yell through the door as they punch it really loudly.

I groan and snuggle further into Ben's chest. "Liz! I heard you! Don't you dare fall asleep again!" I ignored it and closed my eyes again.

"Not ready to wake up?" I hear Ben mumble. I softly shake my head. "I take a day of." I tell him. He chuckles softly before tightening his grip on me.

I smile softly before falling asleep again. A few minutes later I wake up by music blasting trough the boxes in the room..

I frown and feel Ben also waking up underneath me. We both sit straight up and wipe the tiredness away.

And there, infront of us, were standing: Josh, Sky and Dan. All wearing a dress. "Guys what are you three doing here?" I mumble.

They don't listen, they just put on the next song. 'The Schuyler sisters' from Hamilton... oh god...

The three infront of us start dancing and singing along, also waking up the neighbours we have...

It was actually quite funny, and it would be even more funny if I didn't just woke up. Ben and I both clap when the boys are done doing their thing.

"Ben, I'm dissapointed in you." I hear Josh say. I frown and look behind me. Ben who still has his arms around my waist also looks confused.

"What do you mean?" He asks Josh. "You're shirtless, and in bed with a girl. I thought I learned you better." Josh says with a grin.

I feel my face turning red as I grab the nearest pillow and trow it at Josh. "Get out of here! All three of you! We will be done in just 30 minutes!" I say as they walk out of the hotel room.

My face turns even more red when I turn around at Ben. We stare at each other for a few seconds before I see him leaning in. I close my eyes as his lips toutch me.

When we pull apart he smiles softly at me. "Good morning." He wispers, his breath tickeling my neck. I smile at him. "Good morning." I wisper back to him before getting up.

I take a quick shower and grab some clothes as Ben also get's into the shower. After changing I put my hair in a messy braid and scroll trough Pinterest, 'cause I have nothing else to do.

 After changing I put my hair in a messy braid and scroll trough Pinterest, 'cause I have nothing else to do

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Your outfit!

When I hear the bathroom door open I look up, only to see Ben walking out of it, in only his boxers...

"Ben!" I say as my face lits up for the millionth time that morning. He looks at me innocently and smiles. "What's the matter?" He asks. "Nothing." I mumble quickly before looking back at my phone.

After he changed Ben sat down next to me to put on his shoes. I look up at him and smile when I see his messy shower hair. I ruffle my hand trough it and laugh.

"What are you doing?" Ben asks with a laugh. "You look cute." I simply say. "You look even cuter, Kitten." He wispers into my ear. I laugh and push him aside. "Shut up! You sound like this kind of dude from a fanfiction Cook!" I te him with a laugh.

"Maybe because I am." He says, sticking his tongue out to me. I laugh another time as we walk out of the room to get some breakfast.

After breakfast we look up to see the guys walking up to us. "We're gonna swim this after noon, wanna join?" They asks us. I nod happily.

"I would love to, I haven't swum in months!" The boys laugh because of my enthusiasm. "Ben?" Josh asks then, looking over at the boy. "I'm also gonna join. But how late do we need to be in the teather today?" He asks them.

"I think around 6, show starts at 8. If we go swim now we have 'till 4." Dan says, rubbing his temples. "Alright! I'm gonna grab my stuf then!" I say before jumping up and running to my room.

5 minutes later Ben also steps in. "Already done?" He asks. I nod happily as I sit on my bed, waiting for him to grab his stuff.

He quickly puts on his swimwear before putting his normal jeans in my bag. "Do you have swimming diplomas?" He asks me as we walk back to the lobby.

I shake my head. "I was to young for swimming lessons when my parents died. And my foster families didn't want to spend money on me." I shrug.

"You should shut you mounth one time." Ben says casually. I look at him in confusion. "Why should I shut my mounth?" I ask him. "Because it doesn't matter what you say. You make me feel even more quilty for you." He says with a sad undertone.

I smile softly at him. "You know what makes it even more sadder?" I ask him while pushing on the button from the elevator. Ben looks at me with a quostioning expression. "The fact that I don't know better." I say to him.

"Shall we talk about happy things again Jordan." I smile while we intertwine our fingers. "Ofcourse Cook." I say as we walk out of the elevator to see the boys in the lobby.

Words: 892
Not that long of a chapter. Hut I love the ending of it.. I don't know if I'm the only one, but this chapter broke me. Love ya'll
~ Alex

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