Chapter 7!

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We arrived to the isle and we got the swords and walked to Evie and Mal who were waiting for us. "Welcome to the isle. It's good to see you." Said Evie as she hugged Lonnie. Mal walked to Carlos and held out her hand for the wand. "Wow what a beauty." She said as she looked at it. I looked at my phone and said "it's 11:55 am. Let's go." I Said as we walked through the tunnel. I walked in and I heard the guy who's name was gil say "hey guys! They're here!" I saw Ben tied up and I said "Ben." I started walking towards her but uma but her sword to my throat and said "uh uh princess. Give me the wand." Mal walked to us and uma said "finally!" And they started rapping to each other and then uma said "give me the wand." Mal yelled "give me Ben!" Uma Said "Harry cut Ben loose." Harry sighed and said "I never get to have any fun." He pushes Ben towards us and he looked at me and said "now I will." He blew some pink powder at me and suddenly I didn't have feeling for Carlos anymore. I had feelings for Harry. I looked behind me and saw the Vks and I looked to Harry as he held his hand out for me. I took his hand and I saw Carlos's heart break but I didn't care because I didn't like him or love him anymore. He was nothing to me. Harry pulled me to him and he kissed my cheek and I smiled at him and looked at Carlos as he shook his head. "(Y/N) what about me? What about us?" Asked Carlos as he walked to us. "What do you mean us? You really thought this was going to work for us? No. I was pretending Carlos. I never wanted you. I only wanted attention. Just like your mother. I can't believe you never figured that out." Jay pulled Carlos back and I heard him say "Harry put her under something. She's not really meaning that." Uma Said "give me the wand Mal." Mal gave her the wand and Uma said "no. To easy. I want to see it work." Mal said a spell and then dude the dog started talking. We all cheered and Uma grabbed the wand to break the barrier but it didn't work! Ugh! We grabbed swords and we started fighting the vks. Carlos ran to me and said "(Y/N) I know the real you is in there. You're under a spell." I swing my sword at him and I said "I'm not under anything! I'm in love with Harry!" Carlos said "you love me! I guess you love me! You never told me you loved me before but (Y/N) I love you! That's what I've been trying to tell you all week! I want to go to cotillion with you and I want us the have the best time ever." I started tearing up and I could feel something in my stomach. "(Y/N) don't listen to him!" Said Harry. I look between carlos and Harry about to decide what I'm going to do.

Sorry this chapter is really short but I'm super tired after everything we did today...yesterday (it's currently 12:30 am.)? But I will update tomorrow!!!!

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