Chapter 2

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Selene finished killing two scientists and flipped her small knife killing the guards. She stood in-front of the window shooting at it. She saw for a moment that there was someone running past a guard and UV and low growl.

"Michael," Selene gasped looking down seeing a red truck and jumped with a loud thump.

The driver stopped the truck and caused her to fly forward and hit the ground. When he stepped out she grabbed him by the throat and snapped it. She ran into a store and grabbed a grey long trench coat. Suddenly she had another sight where someone was under a bridge and again a growl came and the noise from the police sirens snapped her out her thoughts.

By the time Selene got to the bridge there were already police surrounding the bloody scene.

"Clearly these are from Lycans," Detective Sebastian said

"But they haven't appeared in three years. Are you sure?" Officer Kolb asked

"I've been working here for years and you only for what three months? Take notes kid and you'll learn a lot," Detective Sebastian said writing it down on his notepad

The hair on the back on his neck and stared at the bridge and noticed pale skin and pitch dark hair. He turned back down and continues with the investigation. When he looked back up she was gone. Soon after questioning he went to Antigen building for more information.

"Detective why would I release two dangerous subjects. Bad enough our men here are dead because of them," Jacob said as they walked

"Maybe if you give me their description we can get flyers up," Detective Sebastian suggested

"It will come back to us," Jacob said

"It?" Detective Sebastian in question

"I have matters to attend urgently," Jacob said quickly walking away

They kept running and stopped for a break. They really were lost but it was better than being in a room alone. Subject four gripped subject two shoulder staring up towards the street further down. Subject two noticed that the iris of subject fours eyes had red rings.

"What is it?" Subject two asked

Subject four saw cop cars zooming down and saw that there was only two they have only two minutes to flee.

"Cars that's chasing us we have to go," Subject four said as they began running and hide behind a car.

It was silent until a body came crashing down on to the car causing the girl to scream. Sirens was heard from a distance again coming down the street causing the girls to dash. They ran until they turned running into a alley way. It was dark and went against the wall.

Subject four felt a tug at her hand and subject two pointed to a shoot they both can fit into. The police siren made a sharp turn towards them. Without thought both went inside and slide down.

Underground had a musty smell to it. Water dripped from the ceiling. They walked quickly and stopped when they heard growls. They stayed in the dark side calmly. Both girls sat down in the dark huddled. The Lycans drew closer and closer. The Lycans threw something and caused Subject two to squeak out and quickly to cover her mouth with her hand.

Both girls screamed when the Lycans turned their way and tried to grabbed them. There was a sound of gun shots and the Lycan was dead. In stepped Selene who stared intensely at Subject two. Then another man came in behind her.

"We have to go," He spoke and Subject four was drawn in.

"We can't leave them here," Selene said

In a flash they were outside speeding off to a van. Both subjects got in the back and sat down.  Selene drove a high speed, the man next to her often glanced back. Subject two noticed Subject fours eyes and stared at each other. Communicating through telepath. Subject two quickly to the smaller window and saw three Lycans running. David looked at the mirror and took out his blade.

The van kept swerving left to right and the girls in the back constantly rolled around. One lycan got on top of the car trying to slash Selene. Then a suddenly the door opened and in came a lycan. It pushed Subject four and against the side and attacked Subject two biting deep in her neck causing her to scream. Suddenly she changed into her form and ripped its head split open. Selene turned around in shock. Subject two leaned back changing back breathing heavily.

"Are you okay?" Subject four asked

"It hurts, there's a lot of blood," Subject two said whimpering holding her friends hand.

"Your going to be okay," Subject four said sitting her up in the corner of the van. Subject four tosses the lycan out and she flew backwards when another one came in.

Subject four used her arms and legs to push the lycan back but the lack of space and she tried to stay away from injured Subject two. Suddenly the lycan came and bite her on her side causing her scream in pain.

"Subject four!" She cried out

"David grab the wheel!" Selene shouted

Subject four began to change into her form. Her eyes weren't brown but purple and her skin turned to a darker blue almost scaly and black veins covering her body. She let out a horrid growl and tore the lycan in two with her bare hands. Then she tossed him out shutting the door.

"Pull over," Selene said as the car came to a stop. Subject two sat up and stared at Subject four. The van door opened and in came Selene. She headed straight to Subject two.

"Who are you?" Selene asked

"S-Subject two. You don't know who I am?" Subject two asked

Subject four observed her more and noticed the familiar face features. Dark hair, pale skin, and accent. Next thing she noticed is Selene bite into Subject two arm and a few seconds she stared back at her daughter.

"Are you able to see your father?" Selene asked

"No, only you," Subject two said

"It's gonna take a while maybe another hour," David said

Subject four reached behind her shirt and took out folders she snatched from the lab. Selene stared at Subject four and took the folders flipping through them despite the blood splatter.

"How did you get them?" Selene asked

"Saw then on the desk. I don't know what it says but it looked important," Subject four said

Suddenly Selene seen the bite mark on her stomach. It began to bleed at the same pace as Subject two.

"It's not hurting?" Selene questioned

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