A man that wanders alone is a man of mystery

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He walks the land all alone

But you never hear him moan.

He wears a smile upon his face

Even in a dreary place.

He says 'hello' with a friendly nod

Then off he goes with a steady plod.

He will trudge the land through all seasons

And I am sure he has his reasons.

His face looks weary, old and worn

His coat is thick, but the sleeves are torn.

His socks have holes on heel and toes

Yet, on with his boots and off he goes.

His leather boots have seen better days

Yet he is rich in many ways.

A pleasant chap with a tale to tell

All he meets do wish him well.

He moves along from town to town

Nothing seems to get him down.

The nearest barn is where he lays his head

Fresh new hay becomes his bed.

The fields and lanes he strolls along

Pleasantly whistling his tuneful song.

Many a friend has the wanderer made

Doing chores for which he’s paid.

He is very happy with his life

No one knows, has he suffered strife?

I think he is happy to wander alone

And that is why he does not moan.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2014 ⏰

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