Chapter 006

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The next day I walked to the bus stop to meet Val at his job. For someone who looks all fancy, he really has a lot of free time on his hands.

"Bus pass?" The bus driver asked in a monotone voice when I got on and I opened my purse and weaved my hands through the trash inside it. But instead of my damn wallet that I got on sale on Black Friday, I was met with an expensive leather that I sure as hell did not buy and internally screamed as I stomped off of the bus.

The bus driver looked at me funny and just shrugged as he pulled the bus into the street. If I had money I would have bought a one-way pass but instead, I sighed as I began my trek by foot to Val's work.

When I got there Val had a smile on his face, "What took you so long?" he asked and his smile quickly fell as he looked at my annoyed expression. My feet ached, I had sweat all over my back, and I was tired from the physical activity I was forced to do.

I shook it off though since none of it was, in fact, his fault.

"We swapped wallets and my bus pass was in there. So I had to walk all the way here," I said through a deep breath and I let out a cough. Oh God, I think my lung is coming up.

He looked confused and I pulled his wallet out and handed it to him. I'm genuinely confused that he didn't even realize his wallet was gone for the entirety of the day.

"Why didn't you just take some money out of the wallet and use it to get a cab or something?" He asked as he pulled me into the building and I was too busy answering him to take in my surroundings. I wasn't allowed in last time so I feel like I should have taken a moment to look around.

"I wouldn't take someone's money especially since it's not mine. And I'd never open up your wallet. That's like an invasion of privacy or something." I caught the look of surprise on his face as the elevator opened and people walked out. Everyone who was waiting before us all conveniently looked at the ceiling or the ground when we walked in, none of them joining us in the elevator. I watched as they all pretending to look busy and the doors closed cutting us off from them.

That was weird.

"And you weren't worried that I looked inside your wallet?" He asks with furrowed brows and I scoffed.

"I don't think someone with their own driver needs a bus pass. Besides what are you going to steal? My coupons? Or my lucky $2 bill that has given me no luck except that free sandwich from that one cafe that one time?" I rolled my eyes and watched as the elevator doors opened on another floor and everyone who was on that floor froze. They all looked on with wide eyes and I looked between Val who was fixing his cuff links then back at the group.

"Well, are you all going to come in or what?" I asked and they literally all shook their heads silently. With that response, I clicked the close door button and the elevator went up again. "Weird," I mumbled and looked at the floor we were headed to. I don't think I've ever been to the top floor of a huge building like this before, I'm kind of excited.

"Is your boss going to be alright with you just taking a rando into your office?" I asked, looking over at Val who was now fixing his tie. I took in the sight of his expensive-looking charcoal suit. I suppose that's a mandatory look for a guy who works on the top floor. And then I looked down at my cute jeans and crop top. I should have probably dressed in something more building appropriate but I don't really care what everyone thinks of me. It's not like I'm going to a meeting with the boss or anything.

"I don't have a boss," he said and my head tilted to the side as I looked around the black and gold elevator.

The ding coming from around us told me that we were finally on the top floor and I turned to him, "What do you mean you don't have a boss?"

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