Chapter 4

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"So Mao," he chuckled. His voice low and gruff, sending chills down my spine.

"I'll only do it if you wanna," I was speechless. It was as if his voice took away mine. I was embarrassed at what I just said, why would I say something like that? Why that! "I'm sorry, I just don't know what to say." I blushed.

He laughed, "only if you want to." He took my chin between his fingers and kissed me. A smile spread across my face. He sent my body into a spiraling numbness. His fingers touching my skin made me shiver. 

"I don't mind," I said. Gasping for air, his glare took my breath away. His deep, amber-brown eyes. It was like staring into a glowing wood in the morning. The beautiful skyline dyed warm colors. Giving a nice soft feeling inside, his eyes were like that sunset. Giving me a warm, soft feeling. His hand trailed up the side of my jaw, gently caressing it. His lips were soft and plump against mine, so warm and so gentle. His lips brushed against mine and again, his hands took mine. His long warm fingers intertwining into mine, gently squeezing my palm. Trailing up my arm, he slowly lowered me down to the ground. My back arching away from the cold ground, his arms lifted me towards him as his kisses streamed down my chest. I shiver beneath him, my body covered in goosebumps soon after. 

"H-Hiro," I moaned, I could feel his hips grind into mine slowly. His teeth lightly gnawing on my skin. It sent me into an emotional frenzy, left me gasping for air as all my heart did was beat it out of me. My legs slowly wrapped around his waist, bringing me closer to him. 

I could feel his tongue poke at mine, his hand slithered up my dress. I grabbed his hand and sat up, I didn't want to. Not now, not anymore it felt wrong. Especially since I'm with Meto, I don't want to hurt him. "I'm sorry Hiro, I wish I could, but I'm with Meto. I can't do this to him, he means so much to me... I don't want to hurt him."

"I understand, let's just forget this ever happened, but at the same time... if you and Meto ever decide to split, give me a call." He handed me a piece of paper that had his number on it. 

"Do you do this too all the girls you get thrown into a bedroom with?"

He shook his head, "you're the first, the others aren't as... innocent as you."

"So you only like me for my innocence?"

He laughed, "no, I love you for you."

I could feel myself start to blush, "wait... when did you start liking me?"

"Ever since you came here silly," he pet me on the head before he stood and walked out the door. The party lights were blinding in the darkness of the room. I slowly stood up as well making my way out of the room.

"Meto? Koi-" I was cut off by MiA. With his drunken lips against mine, I didn't want to pull away. I did anyways.

"MiA, what the fuck?!"

He stumbled forward towards me, a smile plastered across me. "You don't know how long I wanted to do this Mao." He threw me back into the bedroom, shoving me onto the bed. He trapped me underneath him, his kisses were sloppy and all over the place. I could feel him leave marks all over my neck. His hands ripped off my dress tossing it across the room. His lips trailed down my chest, leaving bruises and red marks.

My nails dug into his back as I felt him go inside me, he slowly started to thrust into me. Ruffling the covers under us. He stopped, the sound of us gasping echoed off the walls. 

"MiA, why?"

"Mao, I love you, I was just to afriad to tell you, then Meto asked you out... so that's why I'm confessing now. Sorry," I leaned over and kissed him, "I love you too, and I love Meto. I'm just kinda confused about who to be with right now." 

"You don't need to decide," MiA got up putting his pants back on before opening the door. "I'll tell Meto you just don't want to date right now... so things don't get so confusing." I nodded, putting my dress back on as well before going back out to the party. 

I saw Tsuzuku standing against the wall, alone. I walked over to him, he glared at me. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" I shrugged, "I don't know do you? why are you over here all by yourself?"

He shrugged, "parties aren't my thing. Super overcrowed, filled with drunks. I'd rather be alone somewhere that's peaceful and quiet."

I beckoned for him to follow me, "come on, I know a great place then."

He still looked unsure about it, "I feel like I know you from somewhere. I just can't picture where..."

He also looked familiar, obviously from school but his face is just so... I don't know. I stopped thinking about it, "come on, what could I possibly do?"

"I don't know, what could you do?" I walked closer to him until we were chest to chest, "why don't I show you, then you can comment on it?"

He smiled slyly down at me, he followed me out of the party towards the lakes doc.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2019 ⏰

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