Chapter 1

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Another boring day at school, you always sit in the back of the classroom. Where you always thought it was quite and peaceful. Where people wouldn't associate with you. All except your friends, cute Meto, beautiful MiA, and caring Koichi.

The only friends you ever needed in your life.

Koichi rushed in throwing himself in the chair in front of you. "Mao! Guess what?!" He blew his black and pink streaked hair from his face, he startled you which made your body freeze up.

"I could never guess."

"A new students coming," you look over and see MiA looking beautiful as always. He was wearing bright blue contacts that brought out his hair, he also wore a black and white suit. He looked stunning every day he walked in. Everyone loved him, he was kind, sweet yet he was sassy. Especially to his friends, but you wouldn't stop loving him... as a friend or different. The truth is you had a crush on all your friends. You couldn't help yourself, they were all so sweet and cared for you, but they didn't look at you the same. They see you as a friend, a best friend.

"Who's the new kid?"

Koichi's hands when crazy drumming and slapping the desk. "I'm so excited, could this be a new friend?!"

MiA rolled his eyes and smiled, "his name is Tsuzuku, he's been transferred from school to school because he has cause trouble."

Koichi sighed, "maybe he's nice, we don't know?"

"All that could be false I just heard it from some other kid."

Koichi and MiA nodded, "hey," we could hear someone say softly behind us. We turn to see Meto standing in the door way holding his bear Ruana. A smile spreaded across his face. Making his cheeks become squishy and plump. He walked over shyly, handing his bear over to you to let you hold it. You held it close to you, cuddling it. It released the built up stress in you, you slouched down in your desk as you heard the bell ring. Dreading class to start and having to be faraway from your friends.

MiA, Koichi and Meto made their way up to the front where they sat in a row all together. You watched as the teacher walked with a tall boy following behind him. You sat up, he caught your attention like a fish being caught by a hook.

He grabbed the chalk and slowly written his name on the big black board.

The teacher patted him on the back. "All right Mr. Tsuzuku, why don't you go take a sheet right next to Mao."

It felt as if your heart stopped. You could see the disgust rage in his eyes, you looked over to your friends making eye contact with Koichi.

You slouched further and further into your chair as he came closer and closer. You could see how slender he was, to a point where it wasn't healthy.

He sat down in the chair keeping his eyes on the teacher, soon slowly looking over at you. You hugged Ruana closer to you. He somewhat scared you, you were afraid of him. He intimidated you, fear raced through your heart making it ache.

Tears streamed down your eyes, your finger nails dug into Ruana's coat. You slowly raise your hand to signal the teacher.

"Yes Mao?"

"May I be excused," you whimper to where no one can hear.

The teacher nodded and got back to writing on the chalk board. You hurried out of your chair and tugged on Koichi's sleeve when you walked past him.   He nodded and signaled the others to get up and follow her.

They all walked into an empty classroom which made you immediately fall to the floor and pass out.

if i cant be yoursजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें