Final Chapter

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WHEN Camila woke up that morning she never saw Lauren at her side so she got up to check if Lauren left already for work. She went first to the bathroom and she saw that it's already in used then she saw Lauren's phone on the side table, Lauren never leave her phone so she suspected that she is still in the house so she went out of the room.

After she went out of the room, she immediately heard the sound of crispiness and she smelled something delicious so she went to the kitchen. And there she saw Lauren cooking.


"Oh you're awake," and she kiss her, "good morning," and back to her cooking.

And Camila was puzzled, "good morning," 'I hope she forgot what was happened yesterday.'

"Why you have that kind of look on me?"

"What? Oh nothing," and Lauren embrace her after putting off the gas range.

"I know what you're thinking."

"I'm sorry."

"Its fine and I still have a chance."

"Of course Lo, it's not the end of the world."

"Yeah," and she touch her cheek, "go sit down, we'll eat breakfast."

"Okay," and she seated, "don't you have work?"

"DJ will just call me, we have a new doctor and there's nothing more to do in the hospital, so she will just call me if they needed one," and she prepare the breakfast on the table.

"Oh okay."


"What is it?"

"Do you think this house is just too big for us?"

"Just the two of us yes, but if we have children, not," and she stopped when she realized what she just said, "I mean, what I meant is that—this was your p-parent's house, do you think, y-you know let this house be their memories..," 'why did I say it?!'

And Lauren smiled she will just pretend that she didn't hear those words she longed to hear, to have kids on their own, "you were right, let this house be their memories."

"Yeah—and we can add up some good memories here."

"You were right, let's go shopping instead."

"Sure, no problem," 'I hope she didn't mind my stupid statement!'

AFTER shopping and grocery they decided to clean the house. They were like a silly teenager who was so in love with each other but afraid to express their real feelings, while they're cleaning.

It was getting dark when they finished cleaning. With some automatic cleaning materials it's easy to clean.

"I'm tired," Camila said when she sat down to the sofa.

"I agree with you, and I'm hungry."

"Yosh I will cook," and she quickly stood.

"We will both do it and don't argue," and they went to the kitchen.


IN the midnight when Camila stirred and found out that Lauren wasn't at her side again. She look around the room and found her standing near the window again and she was wondering what was she thinking but it bothers her much that it always happening after she asked her permission that she will be sleeping in her room and it hurts her that Lauren couldn't sleep if she's around so she slowly getting up from bed and silently sneaking out of the room, she'll be back to her room. She did it successfully, but her problem now is how to get out of the room without Lauren noticing her, it was so dark inside the room. But Camila tried her best to get out of the room but then she bumped on the side table and the picture frame crashed down that created a sound that makes Lauren caught its attention.

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