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Was a celebrated custom in our days.

How the Kaliyug has turned it into an insult.
"Wear bangles and sit at home."

You were such
A darling
To turn it into a praise.

You wore my silk garments
Sported my nose ring
And let the milkmaids braid your hair
Which I embellished with wild flowers.

Oh the maiden you looked, Krishna!
You bewitched me every time.

We are one
We are RadhaKrishna
How you claimed to be Radha
In your fine regalia and mischievous smiles!

I would only gaze at your mischief.

My longing
My pining
My yearning
My love
Is transcendental, Krishna.
It is sublime
Traversing through the stars
Filling every atom of my body
With beads of love

You are my heart, Krishna.
You can be me
Wear my clothes and have a feminine gait
But you cannot fathom my anguish.
For my heart
Is mine alone.

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