Chapter One

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Lauren closed the car door, everyone else was inside. She walked her way to the patio, her feet crunching along the gravel. She pulled the front door open to be greeted by Judy, the family dog. Lauren still wasn't used to the new house. They'd only been there for a day, they'd barely even unpacked.

"Lauren!" Her father Adam called to her.

Lauren walked further inside, the stairs in front of her and one archway on either side of the hall. She walked through the right one into the living area.

"Callum and Billy are upstairs if you wanted to watch some movies with them." He told her, nodding to her with a smile.

"No thanks." She resented.

Lauren never hung out with her brother or his friends, they were too dorky. And their movie nights were Star Trek marathons, or Star Wars animations.

"Hey Lauren, if you want to have some friends over from school," her dad started, as Lauren started to turn away.

"Dad I have no friends. We just moved here." Lauren replied as she walked away, and up the stairs. Opening the door second to the left she walked into her room, shutting the door behind her.

Lauren sat on her bed and opened her laptop.

Her mother opened the door, telling her dinner was in about an hour.

Quickly sighting into Skype, she saw a pending message.

Axel messaged her. They were dating from a couple months back now, they were so cute.

They began to chat, but then things went wrong.

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