The Difference - Chapter 5

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I was on my way to Starbucks when Harry when Harry texted me,

"Meet me at the donut shop across the street instead"

"Okay" I texted back and drove to the donut shop.

I walked in and saw Harry sitting at a table surprisingly he didn't have a book. I walked over and sat down.

"So no book today?"

"Nope! I'm more interested in hearing what you have to say about your boyfriend."


"So? Tell me."

"Okay.. Well we met in high school, junior year, and we fell in love. So I thought, we dated until we graduated and we ended up going to the same college. Once we graduated he asked if I would move in with him and of course I said yes because we were in 'love' but after that he changed. He was always drunk and yelling at me. Then he made sure I wasn't anywhere but at work. He put a tracking device in my phone and if I'm within 3 feet of another guy he flips out."

"Why don't you just leave then?"

"it's complicated.."

"What's so complicated about it? Just walk out the door and leave!"

"Harry..he threatened me..I can't..." He looked at me.

"Threatened?" I nodded, "how?" I shook my head.

"Isabella tell me please."

"I've said too much already...if he finds out you know he'll.."

"He'll what?"

"He's got a gun..he said if I escaped or tried to that he would go after my friends and family, my sisters..parents everyone I care about. And then he said I would be next. I can't take that chance Harry." He sighed

"I could help you. I will help you. You can get through this." He said taking my hand. I pulled away and shook my head.

"No Harry I don't want you getting involved."

"Isabella I'm not taking no for an answer!"

"You have to! I like you Harry...a lot, and I don't want you getting hurt. You just need to stay away from me please!"


"Please!" I sigh, "I have to go." I turn around and start walking away.

"Wait!" he calls after me, but I ignore him. A hand grabs my wrist and turns me around. The next thing I know Harry's lips are on mine, and I am kissing him. He pulls away.

"Please be careful Isabella.."

"What was that?" I say shocked. I liked it, but I knew me and Harry could never be a thing with John around, and John wasn't going anywhere any time soon.

"Just a little something before you go to work." He smirks.

"Harry this can't work. It won't work. Please stop before you get hurt."

"No promises." he winks. I scoff and leave. Time for another hellish day at work.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2019 ⏰

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