---Neutral Ending---

Start from the beginning

¨Well, you could date another person, there are plenty of--¨

¨No! I don't want to be with another person, Offender. I want Y/n, and Y/n only!¨

¨....Well, you could kidnap her, when she's asleep, and tie her up here.¨

¨I know, but that doesn't seem right...¨

¨If you do kidnap her though, you can try to convince her, or force her. If that don't work, then you'll have to kill her. Either way, you might wanna give her some time. I'll even help you if you want.¨

There was still a chance that I could get her back. And even though it wasn't right to kidnap her, I guess it would work. Offender was right. I could still try to convince her. But how exactly? What would make her stay? Goddammit, why did I even call Offender? All of this was just so twisted. But I guess if this was the only way...

¨Offender, how would I convince her, though? If anything, kidnapping her would just scare her.¨

¨Your right about that. You could talk to her, and convince her that way, or you could torture her, and make her yours, by brainwashing her. It's your choice.¨

¨I...alright. Tonight, when she goes to sleep, we'll take her then. Are you sure this is the only other option?¨

¨I'm sure.¨

I sighed, as we set up the basement, having cuffs chained from the wall, in the room that I never used, that had a door. There wasn't really a light source, though. We waited until it was dark outside, as we waited by her house, until her room light went off. We had waited an extra ten minutes though, to make sure she was in a deep sleep, before going into her room. We teleported up into her room, and she was sound asleep. She was so cute when she had slept~ Her soft breaths were so cute~ I gently picked her up, as Offender had been right behind me, as we had walked back into the woods, and into my house, walking down the hallway, and into the basement, being silent, as I didn't want to wake her up. The basement was rather dark as well, and I stopped.

¨Splendor? You alright?¨

¨Let's...put her in my room. You have the cuffs on you, right?¨

He nodded, and we had both went upstairs. She didn't deserve to be in complete darkness. That would only scare her even more. I cared about her. I wanted to make sure that such an innocent soul like her was properly taken care of. I couldn't leave her in such a place. She could catch a cold. We put her in my room, and we cuffed her to the bed frame. We had then closed the door, and both walked into the living room.

¨Well, I suppose I should go.¨ Offender said.

¨Alright. Thanks for you help.¨ I said, hugging him.

He had hugged back, then walked towards the door, and left. I had waved, and he simply nodded. I sighed, closing the door, and wanted to check on Y/n once more. I opened the door, and heard the cuffs moving. I looked, seeing that she was awake, and trying to get the cuffs off.

¨Oh, your awake.¨ I said, smiling.

¨S-Splendor? What i-is this? What are--¨

¨Oh, my dear, dear Y/n~ You see, I want you to be with me, I'm here to convince you. I'm convincing you to stay and be mine~¨

I said, walking up to her, as she kept trying to get out of the cuffs. I frowned, not liking how she still didn't want to be with me.

¨Your not going to get out of those cuffs, darling~ I made sure of that~¨

She looked at me, with fear in her eyes. No. No, Y/n please don't. I don't like that expression. I needed to stop that expression. I had to change it.

¨Y/n, please~ I don't know why you wouldn't want to be with me. I can provide you with almost anything in the world~¨

¨The reason I refused was that I still have to be hallucinating this! Anytime, any second from now, I'll wake up, and everyone will be excited, saying that they were worried, and saying that I was in a coma or something. I'm not going to date someone who isn't real!¨

¨I am real though, darling. I'll show you. What's something that can happen in dreams, but couldn't happen in real life?¨

She stopped, thinking. I watched, as she still had a confused look on her face. I guess it was reasonable why she would think that. She's been so nice to me, though. Most would call me a freak or a monster, and she thought she was simply hallucinating.

¨Pain. People can't feel pain in dreams, can they? Pinch me.¨

¨Alright, then.¨ I said, walking up to her, and grabbing her arm, as I pinched her.

¨Ow!¨ she said.

¨Sorry about that.¨

Did I really pinch her that hard? I didn't mean to. I didn't think that I had pinched her that hard. She stared at me.

¨I still don't believe it.¨

She said, as I took off the cuffs on her, and I put her in my lap, putting my arms around her. She tried getting out of my grasp, as I hugged her, having my arms wrapped tighter around her. I chuckled, as I started kissing her neck. She flinched, as she still tried getting out of my grasp, and I kept kissing her neck, slowly but passionately. I moaned softly, upon feeling my lips against her skin, and she still tried getting out of my grasp.

¨Why won't you accept that your mine?¨

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