---Good Ending---

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¨Like I said, I'm not human. So you may think that all of this is weird. All of this is real, such as this.¨ Splendor said, before getting closer to me, and still having one of his hands under my chin, so we were making eye contact. Splendor closed his eyes, pulling me into a kiss. I flinched again, as he moaned, while still kissing me. I joined into the kiss, putting my arms around him. Splendor seemed shocked for me to kiss back. Splendor opened his eyes, staring into mine. He had a very lustful look on him, as if he wanted more, until he looked at the window in what I assumed was his room.

¨Oh, I almost forgot! I should go make breakfast!¨

¨Alright.¨ I said, smiling. He walked off, and I followed, sitting down into his living room, and waited. I heard him humming from a distance, and smiled. About a few minutes later, he came in with pancakes and bacon. I smiled.

¨Thanks.¨ I said.

¨No problem.¨ He smiled, handing me a plate, with a fork, as I started eating. He started eating as well, and all of this tasted really good. He was an excellent cook. (Ya'll better know this ;) ) As I finished, I thanked him again, and he took the plates, setting them in the sink, before walking over towards the couch again. He sat down, and sighed, smiling.

¨Your a great cook, Splendor.¨ You said.

Splendor blushed, hugging me.

(Now for some of dat good fluff ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°  ))

¨Thank you, Y/n.¨ He smiled, as he kept hugging me, and we started to cuddle. I could feel his heartbeat, as I put my arms around him. He seemed to enjoy just being around me.

¨Your welcome.¨ I smiled, and then Splendor grabbed me, putting me in his lap. I laid my head back on Splendor's chest, as Splendor hugged me, and we both cuddled. Splendor then put his tentacles around me, as I started giggling. He smiled. After a minute, it seemed as if Splendor was...purring? I smiled still, relaxing. We started talking, as he started asking my favorite color, favorite food, and other sorts of questions. But I couldn't help but notice that he was so warm. His whole entire body was like a volcano. I turned around, hugging him. He seemed surprised, but hugged back, and kissed my cheek. We both giggled, and kept cuddling for a while, and talking.


(Time Skip)

We were cuddling, and I looked at the time. It was 6:30.

¨Oh dear! It's getting late...I should probably get back home..¨

¨Oh......Why?¨ Splendor said, seeming disappointed. He kept holding you, still cuddling, and he acted as if he didn't want you to leave.

¨My parents...they're probably worried. I've been gone all day.¨

Splendor had a sad, disappointed look. He didn't let go, and he seemed as if he was thinking.


Splendor's P.O.V

Right. Why did I just assume that she lived by herself? Though I wanted her to live with me. What could be something that would make her stay? I needed her to stay. She needed to be with me. I couldn't let her leave. I wouldn't allow it. What if I made a made a sleep-over? We could have popcorn, and watch a fun movie. Would that be a good enough distraction? I needed her stay. I desperately wanted her to stay. She had to. Her soft, silky (h/c) hair, her beautiful, sexy (e/c) eyes, and the way she kissed me back when I had kissed her, that showed she cared for me. That showed that she loved me. I couldn't let her leave. Even if that meant that I had to force her. I wouldn't mind that at all~

¨Say, Y/n, would you like to have a sleep-over with me? Tonight?¨

¨Oh, well I'd have to text my parents, but yeah, sure.¨

¨D-Do your parents just let you go over to friends' houses?¨

I might actually get away with this~ Oh, me and Y/n are gonna have such a fun time. I can already imagine us watching a movie, and laughing. Eating popcorn, and at the end of the movie, she would get tired, and she would lay down, and rest in my arms~ She needed to be with me~ I needed to protect her, and watch out for her. She is mine~ Wait. Her phone. I suppose she can keep it for now~ I just don't want her talking to any other guy except me~

¨Alright, I texted them. So what ideas do you have for the sleepover?¨

¨We could watch a movie, I'll make popcorn, and I also have some board games.¨

¨Sounds fun.¨

I looked at her smile. Her beautiful, precious smile. I wanted to keep that smile. I was so glad that she liked being with me! Oh, I was filled with joy. I just loved being with her. I loved spending time with her~ I loved everything about her. Her smile, her laugh, her personality. She was perfect to me~ I looked at her, smiling back at her, and was just being as happy as I could be. I was so happy, until I realized something. She would probably want to leave tomorrow. What was something that could make her stay longer, or at least stay connected? What was something that would still-- Her phone. Slender got some for me and the other brothers. All I needed was her phone number. Oh, gosh. I don't think I've ever gotten a girl's phone number before. My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest. But I couldn't think of anything else that could let us have a connection. What was something else that was meaningful? What do humans do when they like each other? Offender had said it one time. You ask them something. But what? It was a phrase used all the time. I stopped. I should just think about now. I should make some popcorn. The phrase will probably come up later.

I grabbed a bag of popcorn, putting it into the microwave, as I glanced over to see if Y/n was okay. She was texting. But who? Probably her parents. But what if she's already with someone else...My heart skipped a beat for a few seconds. Did she...already have a boyfriend..? No, that could not be true. She would have left when she woke up. She would have left now. She's stayed with me for half a day yesterday, and she's staying tonight. That would be a day and a half. But it would be embarrassing to ask her if she was single. Wait...boyfriend....Why couldn't I think of the phrase? Boyfriend.....Girlfriend.....Will you be my girlfriend? That wasn't the phrase I was thinking specifically, but I guess that could also work. The microwave beeped, and I had ripped the bag open a little bit. I walked back over, and sat down. Y/n grabbed a handful, and started eating the popcorn.

¨So, Splendor, what movie are you thinking of?¨

¨I don't know, whatever movie you'd like.¨

I handed her the remote, as she started looking through different movies. After a few minutes, she clicked on one, and we started watching a movie. I put her in my lap, as she laid her head on my chest. I sighed, smiling. I started eating some popcorn as well, and we both started watching the movie. When the movie was half-way over, Y/n started getting tired. So I laid the popcorn on the table, and held her in my arms. She closed her eyes, falling asleep. I smiled, looking at her. She was so cute when she was sleeping. I held her, putting a kiss on her forehead. I started getting a little bit tired as well, so I had turned the TV off, and I laid down on the couch. I grabbed Y/n, as I was laying flat, I decided to put her head on my chest, as I put both my right hand and tentacles around her. I guess I'll have to ask her tomorrow.

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