Weird Behavior

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I woke up, seeing that I was beside Splendor. I panicked, wondering how I had gotten here, and I didn't want to wake him up, either. I could hear him breathing, as his arms were around me, and these smooth like black rope around my waist. But they looked more like tentacles. Were they tentacles? But where did they....I looked, seeing the tentacles from my waist, to Splendor's back. I was freaked out, as I now knew he wasn't human. Yet he had human like features. I slowly tried getting out of his grasp, but his arms became tighter around me. If he was asleep, how could he tell what I was doing? I looked at the tentacles around my waist. Maybe I could remove them off of me. But were they sensitive? I saw that the tentacles had golden bells around them. I lightly touched the bells. There was no reaction. I hesitated for a moment, before then touching one of his tentacles. It twitched, as the bells had jingled. I put the tentacle in my hand, gently rubbing it, as I saw a smile from him, though he was still asleep. The bells then started to open, forming mouths it seemed. All of them were. I blinked, thinking that I was either still dreaming or hallucinating. I touched on of the bells, and it closed, as if it were biting me.

¨AAAHH!!¨ I screamed, while also flinching from the bite.

Splendor also had flinched, waking up. He looked at me, alerted, while sitting up and putting a hand on my shoulder, causing me to flinch again.

¨Y/n, child, why are you--¨

He paused, seeming to notice the bells, and my finger, as the bell still was biting it.

¨Oh heavens! I am so sorry about this!¨ He apologized, before talking again, and he seemed to be talking to the bells.

¨Release her at once.¨ He said. He was talking to a bell. The bell had let go, and Splendor noticed that my finger was bleeding. I stared at him, not really knowing what to do or what to say. My finger was bleeding a lot of blood.

¨Oh dear. Let me help you with that~¨ he cooed, as he grabbed my hand, before putting the finger that was bleeding into his mouth. His reaction turned to a lustful to a surprised reaction, before going into a lustful reaction once again.

¨Who knew your blood tasted so good~¨ he cooed again. I don't know why he was talking like that. He took the finger out of his mouth, and then started to lick it. The lustful expression he had made all of this really creepy. He stopped, noticing my weirded out reaction, and stopped, putting my hand down.

¨Are you alright? You look tense.¨ he said, putting a hand under my chin, making it so that we had eye contact.

¨Y-You're bells have m-mouths, and what y-you just did was creepy.¨

¨Oh, these. Yes, they're alive, dear. They usually react to sensitivity. Why did they bite you?¨

I still thought that I was either dreaming or hallucinating. None of this could possibly be real.

¨I noticed your t-tentacles around my waist, as I woke up, and didn't want to wake you. I touched the bells and nothing happened. I touched one of your tentacles, and the bells started forming mouths. I know this sounds crazy, and I'm probably hallucinating.¨

¨Oh dear. Your not hallucinating. This is all real. I-I'm not human. I'm sorry I creeped you out.¨

¨I noticed...But I must be hallucinating.¨

¨Like I said, I'm not human. So you may think that all of this is weird. All of this is real, such as this.¨ Splendor said, before getting closer to me, and still having one of his hands under my chin, so we were making eye contact. Splendor closed his eyes, pulling me into a kiss. I flinched again, as he moaned, while still kissing me.

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