Meet And Greet

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Y/n: Your name   e/c: Eye color  h/c: Hair color  b/f/n: Best friend's name

bf/n: Boyfriend's name

You wanted to check the weather today. Checking your phone, the weather was normal. You had walked outside, and it seemed like a lovely day outside, and there was a small breeze in the air. You decided to go into the park, and there were a few people there, and decided to go into the forest. People were warned not to, because of wild animals, but as far as you have known, there were no bears. Maybe a fox or a wolf here and there, but there were mostly deer, butterflies, and birds. You thought that nature was a beautiful thing, and for some reason, none of the animals were shy towards you. A deer had walked up towards you many times before, which was very rare. As you were in the forest, you had seen another deer. You had walked up to it, and it          wasn't startled at all. It had just sat down, as you sat down beside the deer, and started to pet it. The deer seemed calm, and also seemed to like it liked to be petted, as you smiled gently. You noticed that there was also a baby deer beside the other one.

¨That deer must really like you. There mostly afraid of people, and especially protective of their young. I'm surprised their so calm.¨

You heard a voice say from behind. You turned around, seeing a guy that was really tall, about at least seven feet tall. He wore a multi-colored polka dot suit, a red tie, and a multi-colored polka dotted hat with a red ribbon, and multi-colored polka dot pants, with black shoes.

¨Huh? Oh, I didn't see you there, sorry. Yeah, they're beautiful, aren't they? I'm surprised they weren't startled by you, too. They might just be really calm or something.¨

¨Well, I've heard that animals can sense if they are a good person or not.¨

You giggled at the response.

¨I must be a pretty good person, then.¨

He looked at you, smling.

¨Seems so. What's your name, by the way?¨

¨Oh, I'm Y/n. You?¨

¨Nice to meet you, Y/n. I'm Splendorman, but you can just call me Splendor.¨

¨Nice to meet you too, Splendor.¨

He seemed like a pretty nice person, so it should be ok to hang out for a while.

¨Hey, didn't they put up a sign saying not to come here, though?¨

¨Well yeah, but as far as I've seen, there aren't any bears or anything. Why did they put that sign up? It's just been put up three days ago.¨

He had seemed a little bit of uncomfortable at the specific question.

¨Well...people have gotten lost here, is all.¨

¨That can make sense. Forests are pretty big.¨

You two had kept on talking for what had seemed to be forever, and you had just now noticed that the sun was going down,

¨Wow, I didn't realize it was that late. Time flies, huh?¨

¨Yeah, I guess it does. You should probably get back before dark. It was really nice meeting you.¨

¨It was nice meeting you two, Splendor.¨

You two had left, going different directions, and as you got back home, it had just gotten dark outside. You headed towards your room upstairs, and decided to get some rest. You had been more happier than you were when you walked into the forest.

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