"Well, then you're not leaving until I'm well enough to protect you."

"We should probably tell Madam Pomfrey that you're awake." Ruby agreed, and Severus went to tell her. Ruby almost regretted letting him tell her, because the woman was fussing and having her drink several potions that tasted horrible. She kept going on about how Ruby was so heroic, but she really shouldn't be doing things like that, and Ruby found it a little annoying, although at the same time, she wondered if this is what it would feel like to have a mother.

Sure enough, Christina's family came back to the Hospital Wing a few minutes later, and began thanking Ruby so much for saving their daughter. Ruby wondered if they knew Christina might not survive. Her heart clenched at the thought. She didn't want her new friend to die.

Ruby replied that she was just glad she could help.

It was another day before Ruby could get out of bed on her own, and another before she deemed herself strong enough to leave. Madam Pomfrey had said she could leave as soon as she felt up to it, and although Ruby could have left the day before, she didn't want leave until she was positive she was strong enough to protect her twin.

She left the Hospital Wing, asking Madam Pomfrey to let her know as soon as Christina woke. She wasn't going to consider the other possibility.

The Great Hall became silent as soon as she walked through the doors. She walked to the Slytherin table, pretending the whole school wasn't staring at her, and ate a little. Narcissa threw her arms around her, the others all said they were happy to see she was okay.

Several students came up to thank her, which Ruby thought was awkward because she had never met these people before and had no idea who they were. She did know two of the people though. Stanley and Jasper threw their arms around her, saying they were so glad she was okay and thanking her for saving Christina.

Ruby eventually made her way down to the Slytherin dorms, deciding she'd rather stay with her brother tonight.

She was immediately glad of her decision when the door was closed.

Suddenly, she felt like she was back underwater, clawing at the water around her, hoping she would reach air.

"Lumos." She gasped for breath, coughing. "Ruby. It's okay. You're safe. It's okay." Sev rubbed her back comfortingly.

"Don't turn off the light." She gasped.

"I won't. I won't." He hurried to reassure you. She calmed slightly, eventually laying back down. Sev opened the door slightly to let in the light from the common room, and she drifted off. He fell asleep not long after.

She woke in the morning, green light coming in through the window. She dressed in the bathroom. Someone had brought in her shoes, socks and robes. Her tie was still in her dorm. She had yet to wear it.

She sat at the Slytherin table and ate a piece of toast. She wasn't expecting any mail since she had no one outside of Hogwarts, but unfolded the note.

She's waking up.

Ruby jumped up, startling the people around her. Sev glanced at the note, and quickly followed her out of the Great Hall. Ruby dashed into the Hospital Wing to see Christina sitting up, her family crowded around her.

"Hi, Ruby." She grinned, waving a little. Ruby smiled, and walked up.

"I'm so glad you're okay." She said, realizing how true the statement was. She really was glad that she was okay.

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