Chapter 3: Evan Campbell

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"Gabe please put on your pants!" I yelled chasing my half naked three-year-old around our apartment. I was breathing like I was the one that had asthma while he was just laughing and smiling.

"Catch me daddy," he yelled running behind the counter in the kitchen. I leaned up against the entry way with my head on my arm still trying to steady my breathing, "Your Uncles... are going to be here any minute so you can spend the night. Don't you just...want to look nice for them?"

"NO!" He shouted and I let out a slow angry breath. I knew why he was doing this because he knows my routine. Whenever he has to spend the night without ever asking, he knew I had someone coming over. He figured this out when Darrius forgot to take his favorite plush toy and had to come back to get it. Let me tell you he was not happy about me dating. Gabe was a sweet kid and he loved everyone except when they would try to kiss me. He actually threw something at one of my dates just for leaning in to kiss. However, he has warmed up to the new guy I've been dating. He still doesn't acknowledge him but he hasn't hit him. In my book, that's fine.

"Gabriel! Come put on your pants right now!" I shouted and I could see him slowly peek his curly dark head from behind the counter. He had his head low as he tip-toed towards me playing with his fingers. When he got closer he looked up at me with his big doe blue eyes and he asked softly, "Daddy are you mad?"

"No," I assured him getting down to his height, "Just you have to listen to me. Now your uncles are really excited to see you."

"I see them all the time," he said smiling again.

"Yes, but they love you so much that they get excited every time they see you," I tickled him and picked him up so we can go into his room. His giggles made my heart jump as I put him down to get his pants on. He was cooperating until my phone ringed and he saw who was calling.

"Hurry up daddy they are here," he said wiggling into his pants now, "I need everything!"

"I already packed everything you need for the night," I told him.

"Don't forget my Thor bear daddy," he told me as he went to go find his shoes. I wasn't going to ever forget his bear because he would literally have a fit without it. He went over Chris's and Harry's house a few days ago and forgot it. The first night was hell for them because they kept calling me asking me where it was. They had to settle for Gabe sleeping in bed with them every night which was hell for Harry and heaven for Chris.

"Daddy, Daddy. Do you have toothbrush?" he asked me stretching and I nodded trying to stuff his plush into his bag before the doorbell ringed. Gabe jumped towards the door as I got his bag and was trying to open the door standing on his toes before I helped him out.

"Uncle D!" Gabe yelled jumping into his uncle's arms and Darrius embraced him like he has never seen him before. I couldn't believe this was the same guy that was scared to hold him 3 years ago. Now, they were inseparable.

"Ooooh! I missed you so much!" Darrius smiled placing Gabe on his side.

"I missed you so much too!" Gabe giggles, "Where is Uncle Caleb?"

"He has work but he will be with us tonight," he told him cheerfully, "But for two hours it's going to be guess who else?"

"Who?" Gabe asked covering his mouth with his small fist and I was anticipating just like he was with my arms folded. I didn't know that they were going to have a guest over. I would have liked to be asked but if it was someone that Gabe knew then I guess it was alright. Darrius looked over at me and something had changed in his eyes. His smile had dropped a tad bit and his eyes were going every way but mine. Then he finally said, "Uncle Pretty is going to play with us."

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