A Team of Five

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   Francis walked down the street and looked over at the small houses that lined up along the street. The houses were very spacey in between each other, giving them all big amounts of property. Francis took out his phone and snapped pictures of the houses with the sun shining behind them in the background.

   "Such beauty," Francis said, smiling as he looked over the horizon. "The sunset setting behind the small houses makes me smile."

   Francis started to make his way back to the small apartment that his sister, Spencer, has rented out. Spencer went for a job interview in the afternoon and she had high hopes that she'd get the job. Francis made it to the apartment and set his phone down on the coffee table. He took off his shoes and tossed them by the door as he made his way to the kitchen.

   "Let's see what we can make for dinner today," Francis said as he opened the fridge door. "Chicken, Tofu, Salad, Pizza. Pizza!"

   Francis took out the pizza box from the fridge and put it on the table. He opened the box to see that the pizza had pineapples on it. He examined the box then quickly shut it, pushing it to the side. He sat down at the table and sighed. He heard his phone ring and got out of the chair, walked to the coffee table and picked it up. Spencer was calling him and he quickly picked up.

   "Hey, there sisis! How was the interview?" Francis asked her, with joy.

   "Hey, there brobro. The interview went great, but I didn't get the job'" explained Spencer."He said I was too introverted for the job. It pissed me off when he said that so I took out my switchblade and pointed it at him."

   Francis stood there in silence, staring at the phone.

   "Francis?" Spencer asked, over the phone.

   "Why did you bring a switchblade to an interview?!" Francis asked, alerted. "I don't want you in jail!"

   "I didn't kill him. It was a threat for if he ever called me again," she said, as Francis put her on speaker. "Plus what would happen if someone jumped me or tried to Spencenap me?"

   "Sisis, you aren't allowed to do that. This isn't Ireland where Felicia and Oscar would beat the shit out of us for their enjoyment." Francis explained. "Listen, we are going out for pizza because we only have one slice left and it's your pineapple pizza."

   "Bye Felicia," Spencer laughed over the phone. "What's wrong with my Hawaiian pizza? Did it go bad?"

   Francis looked at the pizza and threw the box out the window. The pizza landed on the sandy ground underneath the windowsill.

   "A rat was eating it," Francis lied. "I want pizza with extra cheese and bacon sprinkled over the top. I also want a little hint of sausage right below the bacon bits."

   "Alright, you big goof, I'll meet you at Gregory's pizza corner" Spencer stated.

   "No, let's go out of town just in case police decide to come to find you for sticking a knife in someone's face," Francis explained to her. "I saw this place called Zeke's diner. It's a pizza diner out of town, a good four miles out. Take your car there and I'll meet you then."

   "Alrighty, see you there brobro," she said, hanging up the phone.

   Spencer jumped into her cyan Hatchback and started up the engine. She let the car warm up and fastened her seatbelt. She grasped the wheel with both hands and stepped on the gas pedal. She began to drive out of town and head to the diner. She typed in "Zeke's Diner" into the GPS and started the route. She followed the road and quickly turned on her headlights as it got dark. Spencer turned on the radio and looked around at the view of the open view. It was empty, but there was a great view of the moon in the night sky.

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