10 || one (more) kiss later

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"Your girlfriend wants to date my friend," Jungeun said one afternoon as she watched Jinsol clean a wooden rocking horse.


"Well, technically it's the other way around. But still, there's a little thing going on between Ha Sooyoung and my friend."

Jinsol stood up from bending over, her eyes confirming that she was confused. "What am I supposed to do about it?"

Jungeun shrugged, her hands in her jacket pockets. "Nothing. Just thought you wanted to know."

Jinsol blinked at Jungeun before stepping around the smaller and heading towards the counter. Jungeun was hot on her heels and stopped in front of the counter.

"So, you're not gonna ask what friend I'm talking about?"

"No offense, but I honestly don't care about any of your friends. Especially if they act anything like you."

"Remember Jiwoo?"

Jinsol stopped wiping down the counter to focus on Jungeun. "Not her."

"Yes her. Which means that if Sooyoung breaks her heart, then oh, I don't know, all your secrets will basically be spilled!"

Jungeun's fake smile was so bright after the realization, contrasting to Jinsol's part-worried part-annoyed expression. She didn't like how Jinsol wasn't fully mortified at the fact and she opened her mouth to further elaborate in hopes of getting the appropriate reaction out, Jinsol talked instead.

"You really have to stop doing this."

"Doing what?" Jungeun furrowed her brows.

"Threatening me. As if I was afraid of you!" Ouch. "I thought we resolved all of this, but I guess not. I keep wondering why you continue to harass me with insignificant things, but it should be obvious since you have such a fat crush on me—"


Jinsol leaned in towards Jungeun, a smug look on her face. "Just admit you have a big, fat, gay crush on me Jungeun."

The smaller's face was rapidly getting hot with each passing second, her cool completely gone ever since Jinsol opened her mouth. "I do not!"

"Why's your face red, then?"

"I have a condition," Jungeun lied without hesitation. "And you're an embarrassment."

"The only condition you have is gayitis, and I have the cure for it!"

It took all of Jungeun's willpower to not march out the store right then and there. After what Jinsol said the day before about how she basically wanted to kiss Jungeun again (ew), Jungeun didn't dare let herself lose control of the situation again.

(That already happened, but Jungeun refuses to acknowledge that.)

"I don't like you, Jinsol!"

"Prove it."

"How?" Jungeun asked, despite knowing exactly what Jinsol meant.

The older puckered her lips and tapped them lightly.

"Absolutely no—"

"Failure to do so will result in me being right."


"Because then you're just a panicked gay."

"No! That makes no sense at all! It means I'm straight and I don't like girls, especially you!"

Jinsol's smirk didn't falter and Jungeun wanted to punch her face in. How could she deal with someone so infuriating was beyond her.

"Just a quick peck. It'll take like less than a second, I swear."

Jungeun huffed. "This is harassment."

"Voluntary harassment."


Jinsol shrugged. "Yeah, sure. But once we begin dating, we need to buy matching clothes. That's so cute to me! And my parents want to have dinner with you at least once a week—they really like you—and you'll get to meet my younger sister! And we can finally go on actual dates instead of you walking me to my job, which is super romantic by the way, and I can walk you home too! Ooh, and what about school? Should I walk you to school? Will we walk together in the hallways? What about holding hands? I know it's not a great thing and all, but I don't conform to societal norms anywa—"

Absolutely tired of Jinsol and her annoying talking, Jungeun leaned forward over the counter and placed a quick kiss to Jinsol's lips, much to both of their surprises. Wide eyes stared at each other, one in a mix of emotions and the other in plain surprise.

Jungeun could hear her heart beating rapidly in her ears and her face was on fire. Her lips tingled and it felt as if her body was buzzing, but not in excitement at all. She did it. She can't believe she did it.

"Jungeun..." Jinsol said softly, only to trail off.

Get back control, Jungeun. Keep your (nonexistent) cool.

"Shut up."

Jungeun spun on her heel and stormed out the store, ignoring the way her hands began to shake.

"Wow, sis. You have a way with girls."

Jinsol rolled her eyes as her younger sister came from the back room that stored a few things that were getting fixed up and waiting for something in the main store to get sold. There were specks of dust littering her uniform and in her hair, and she sneezed once before wiping her shirt off.

"Shut up," she replied, mimicking Jungeun from a few seconds earlier. "At least I'm getting more action than you."

Hyunjin scrunched her nose up. "Ew don't say that, it sounds gross."

Jinsol laughed as the blush on her cheeks began to fade away and she got back to work, organizing knickknacks on the shelf behind her.

"So that's Jungeun?" Hyunjin asked.

"Yep. The closeted gay who won't admit that I'm right and she's wrong."

"Huh...She's super pretty. But what happened to Sooyoung?"

"She's too busy hiding her sexuality so she can debut as an idol."

Jinsol didn't mean for that to come out as bitter and cold as it did. She was happy for Sooyoung to follow her dream, she really was. But she also wished that Sooyoung didn't had to hide part of who she was to please the public. Jinsol can just imagine all the activities and rumors that'll sprout up between Sooyoung and some male idol, and how it could take a toll on Sooyoung's mental health.

"Oh. So Jungeun's a rebound?"

"She is not a rebound. Just...I met her through Sooyoung in a way."

"In what way—?"

"Look kid, go play with some wooden LEGO blocks or something."

Hyunjin pouted before going back in the storage room and leaving Jinsol to get lost in her thoughts.

okay so i literally forgot i had this prewritten from four days ago??? so here you go :D

also i could use comments on this book, even tho y'all probably think I'm comment-hungry but i just wanna see my readers be engaged in my story, even if it's just a string of keyboard smash cause it lets me know you guys like it so i can continue it :')))))
(i mean i'll continue it either way, but i'm orbit-interaction-deprived :D)

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