Well crap.

43 5 6

I can not create any adopts as of now
, as well as complete requests. Any requests I was working on will now have to be started over from scratch.

I can't do online art or publish drawn art.

This is because my phone is broken and all of its data and images are gone, and inaccessable we have already had it looked at it can not be fixed, we can not get anything off of it.

I was working on this one thing on and off and it was going to be really cool. Now its gone completely and I don't think I wanna start it from scratch because I'll be pissed the whole time and annoyed that its not the same or that it's worse. 

you may ask :

"So how are you publishing this?"

Well I'm on my laptop/computer.

"Oh you do requests? I have a request!!"

Sorry, too bad i cant do it right now don't bother.

"When can you make new adopts?" "When can I submit requests?" "When can you publish online art again?

I have no idea as of now, I will say in my conversations bar when I can continue.

"if you can publish from your laptop can't you publish art?"

Yes but I haven't found a good & free program yet and even so I'd have to get used to using it and that takes time. I'd also have to like it :/

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