3.4 | unannounced disappearance?

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unannounced disappearance?


hey, it's me zara.

i've been away from wattpad for the past year and 4 months and i believe that i really owe all of u and explanation and a reason for why i disappeared from wattpad for so long.

i've seen ur messages and i love all of u who continue to support me on my journey and i absolutely can't fathom the fact that most of u haven't forgotten me or left me in the dark.

first of all, wattpad is a brilliant society. i absolutely adore all the people that i have met on wattpad and all the people that have supported me.

however, wattpad isn't all fun and games when u feel like u are drifting away from friends and family.

my long hiatus away from wattpad made me realise the things that i was missing. the small minute details that made me rethink if wattpad is genuinely making me happy or if i saw it as a job.

i saw it as a job and i didn't enjoy that.

i apologise for turning away from all of u without a notice, however i can't promise that i'm back and won't go away again.

i will be active for some time now since i'm on my summer holidays now, however when september comes i have a lot more studying to do which will cut me off from my availability on wattpad.

thank you. 
tagging loverenjun for all the sweet messages u left me, thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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