The Breadth of Space

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Imagine yourself on the breadth of space, amongst the billions upon billions of stars all flickering, some bright, some subtle. The color, shape and complexity of each individual star reminding you of fireflies. The pure utter silence of space absorbing even the faintest of sounds. In your ears, you hear the steady gentle beat of your heart, your fingertips and toes begin to run cold. As you gaze off into the void, you spot small glimmers of stars, stars that may have already died, or ones that are burning out, coming to an end. Just as everything that has or still is existing does. Through the visor of your helmet, your breath fogs up your view, unable to wipe it you barely make out the stars surrounding you. You feel a sense of weightlessness, something you have had never felt before, staring off into the cosmos makes you reflect and think, to ponder many questions one fears to ask. Why are we here? What is our purpose? For billions of years, man has dreamt of touching the stars, to explore the very limits of the cosmos. You think to yourself, I am a part of history, I am the stepping stone into what the future of the human race.

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