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Michael flashed a smile at the two of us, but I knew it was only directed towards Jeremy. I can't blame him. I'm competition, but he's his best friend, so I can't hate him, but he can hate me. Strange how that works. 

"Jeremy! Y/N! How's it hanging? I didn't sleep last night because I was smoking and playing some games on my N64! I'm getting into speedrunning, so I'm starting off with the classics. Oh, and Y/N, you aren't ignoring at Jeremy? Weird, he was really worried about you!"

I laugh, stare Michael dead in the eyes, put my hand on Jeremy's shoulder, and say, "Thing's just came up, I guess. But we're all better now, aren't we, Jeremy?"

He blushes, and gives a nervous, "Ye-yeah...."

I won this round, Mell.

I walk around the school, without Jeremy, looking for Chloe. I finally see her and Brooke at Chloe's locker! But then Jake comes up to her. Being the good friend that I am, I eavesdrop on them. 

"I just think we'd be better off as friends..."

"Oh yeah, totally! I feel the exact same way!"

"Great! See you 'round, Chlo!"

Chloe stands there. I walk up to her. "Hey, is everything ok?"

She slams the locker in my face. Guess not.

"You know what Chloe? I think I'm just gonna... let you process whatever just happened..." I tell her as I slowly back away.

I spend the rest of the morning on Instagram, and of course, sending a cute selfie to "Jerald." Or, "Jer <3" as my contacts say. He responds with some meme that's under many layers of irony. I can't even begin to explain it.

I also stepped in, preventing Rich from writing "Boyf" on Jeremy's backpack. What does that even mean?

Gym was nothing special. The teacher said we were exclusively going to play dodgeball, so why would I even think about this class? Dodgeball is fun in small doses, but not like this. Not like this.

English though. I don't think I paid attention any more in my life. But only to Jeremy. His stutter was music to my ears. He loves video games, anything retro, and is definitely a geek, and not a nerd. Now I know how to properly insult him in front of others. Nice.

He says I did a good job, and that I didn't seem to be the romantic type. As soon as he finished his paragraph, though, he pulls out a sheet of paper with something printed on it, but I can't make out what it says.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

He looks over at me and quickly puts a tally mark on the page, before hiding it. "Nothing!"

"Jeremy, you can tell me! We're friends, aren't we?"

He looks over at me once more, lets out a sigh, and says, "They're called 'Humiliation Sheets.' Whenever I do something embarrassing, or dumb, I put a tally mark next to one of the categories. That performance falls under 'Snicker,' simply because Dustin was snickering through the whole thing."

I glance at the sheet once more, and the ink on the page begins to make sense. "Jeremy, you did amazing! We both know Dustin's peaking in high school. Why worry about him?"

He smiles, but just barely. Does he not believe me? Does he actually think being "popular" is fun?

Creative Writing wasn't hard today. I decided I should comfort Chloe in her hour of need, so no fake lunchtime detentions for me! But who other was waiting at my locker than Michael Mell!

"What do you wa-"

"Y/N, I need your help."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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Gamer Boy {Jeremy Heere x Reader // Be More Chill}Where stories live. Discover now