Harsh Realities

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"Chloe, you're crazy if you think I'd leave you for some guy I just met," I tell her. EVEN IF that guy is insanely hot and is named Jeremy Heere, sisters before misters.

"That's a great thing to hear, y/n! Now, ladies, let's compare schedules!" Chloe's mood suddenly uplifted as soon as she got what she wanted. Weird.

It turns out, I have either Jenna, Brooke, or Chloe in all my classes except second and sixth, but I should have no issue making friends.

Once the bell rings, Jenna and I head to PE. My gym strip is a white tank top and basket ball shorts, while hers is a graphic tee with black leggings. We played dodgeball, nothing too notable.

It was really a good way to blow off some steam, because I was worried about second and sixth block. What if no one likes me, and I don't have Chloe to protect me? Right now, I just need to focus on throwing and dodging, throwing and dodging. I'll be ok.

We can't play dodgeball forever, because eventually the bell will ring. It did. We were already changed out of our gym strip, so I headed for my locker, and then to English.

When I entered the classroom, the desks were made into a horseshoe-like shape, facing the teacher's desk in the centre. Students sparsely fill in the desks, and I see someone familiar.

It took a moment to register, but that's Jeremy! I guess I could get closer with him.

I walk closer, he looks panicked. "Hey, Jeremy, can I sit here? I don't know anyone else in this class,"

He looks relieved, "Go ahead, y/n! I don't have any friends in this class either,"

"Oh, and I'm sorry about Chloe. I don't know what came over her," I explain.

"It's ok, y/n. Really, that's one of her more mild reactions to being near me."

"Wait, what? That's how Chloe usually is?" I ask. He nods. This doesn't make sense! Chloe's always been good to me, so why is she rude to Jeremy? And then earlier when I said he was attractive? She was almost as angry with me as she was with Jeremy!

"I need to process that for a moment," I tell him. He tries to apologize to me for speaking, but I tune it out. Chloe Valentine, my best friend since diapers, might be a really shitty person. Damn.

When I was almost done contemplating, the teacher walks in. "Good morning juniors! Today we're doing introductions, so I would like you  to write a paragraph introducing yourself and present it to the class tomorrow. It isn't graded. You have all class," he then sits in his desk, and starts typing and I guess we're supposed to get to work?

This was my paragraph:
Hello, my name is y/n and this is my first year here. My favourite thing to do is read and write romance books, so if you have any recommendations, I'd love to hear them! Thank you for listening, and I'm looking forward to being in this class with all of you.

Good enough. About ten minutes pass, and class is done.

Jeremy was about to leave the classroom, when I tap him on the shoulder. "So hypothetically, if I were to have lunch with you and your friend, where would you be?"

His face lights up, "There's some benches that have some nice shade outside the school that we're always at!"

We say goodbye to each other, and I leave for creative writing.

The desks are organized into pairs, so I sit down in the back. Brooke soon joins me.

"Hey, Y/N, if you want, I can lie to Chloe."

Gamer Boy {Jeremy Heere x Reader // Be More Chill}Where stories live. Discover now