Chapter 2!

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After our dress fittings, we had to get to class. I was walking hand in hand with Carlos as jay, Evie and Mal was walking with us. I would giggle as I heard girls saying "hi jay." Carlos shook his head as he said "why do you torture them? Just pick someone already." Jay smiled and said "I'm going solo. That way I can dance with  all of them." Carlos and jay laughed as they fist pumped. I see Jane run to me and she said "emergency meeting after school. We need you to help decorate for cotillion." I nodded and said "yeah sure I'll be there." Carlos looked at me and said "what about our date we had planned since like last week?" I sighed and said "can we plan it for another day? I'm sorry but this whole week I'm going to be so busy." Carlos nodded and said "yeah sure." I smiled and said "thank you for understanding."

Carlos's POV

I turned to look at jay as (Y/N) walked away to the girls and I said "ok so let's say I did want to ask (Y/N) to cotillion. How would I do it?" Jay smirked and said "all you need to do is look like me. But for real dude, you're dating her, I thought you were automatically going together." I nodded and said "well yeah we are but I want to do something special for her. She's been pretty stressed lately so I want to do something she's not expecting. But it's so weird because everytime I want to ask her it's like the words get stuck in my throat. That's never happened to me before and I don't know what it is. And it's like every time I talk to her I get butterflies even though we've been dating for six months!" Jay said "I don't know man but you can do it. Let's get to class."


I walked over to Mal, Evie, Lonnie and Jane as they were talking. As I walked up I heard Lonnie say "I can hardly wait to see what your wedding will look like." Mal smiled as she said "yeah me too. Wait what?!" Jane nodded and said "yeah the royal Cotillion is like a engaged to be engaged to be engaged." Evie smiled and said "I knew it!" I suddenly said "well everyone knows it." Mal looked at me and said "I didn't know it! Why didn't anyone tell me that my whole life's being planned infront of-" Ben walked up and stoped as we said "hi Ben!" He smiled and said "hey guys." I looked at my phone and said "omg I have to go to class! See you later!"

After school:

I walked with Jane to the boys practice and I sat on the second floor watching them. I was smiling down on Carlos when he wasn't looking and he looked up and saw me. "So I'm guessing you're enjoying what you're looking at?" I giggled as I said "yeah! For sure." He smiled and winked as jay said "alright boys get in formation! Carlos your with me. Assembler. Salute. Lower the point. Masks down. En garde. Keep your center!" I was cheering for Carlos and then all of the boys moved out of the way for a new opponent for jay. Jay was having trouble keeping up and the the new opponent beat him. The person took of the mask and revealed that it was Lonnie! "Yeah go Lonnie!" She smiled up at us and said "you should put me on the team." Jay nodded and smiled u til chad said "what? No! We'll be the laughing stock of the schools! Have you read the rulebook? A team is comprised of a captain and 8 men!"  I cleared my throat and all the boys looked at me above as I rested my chin on my hand and said "chad..for once can you not care about just yourself? Girls are capable of doing things just as well as boys can!" The whole room started cheering for me and chad scoffed and said "(Y/N)...its in the rule book!  Aren't you supposed to listen?" I smirked and said "chad! Your last name is charming. Aren't you supposed to know...charming?" Everyone started laughing and I looked at jay and said "come one. Put her on the team." Jay said "I'm sorry but coach trust me." Lonnie backed away and said "if my mother would have thought that way, she would have lost the war." Everyone left and I began walking away until I heard Carlos say "hey (Y/N)?" I walked to the edge of the balcony and said "hey babe. What's up?" He said "well I was just wondering if maybe we-" then my phone started ringing. I answered it and then hung up as I said "I really have to go. We'll talk later though? You did great!" I walked away to go to the cotillion meeting.

Carlos's POV

I looked at dude as he looked at me like he was judging. "Look it wasn't the right time ok?" I walked back to my dorm with dude following.

He's mine PT. 2 / Carlos De Vil x reader! (COMPLETED!) Where stories live. Discover now