Scars Never Fade Ch. 1

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A/N: This is my first story on here, so I hope you like it- if you dont, thats cool- jus dont be mean and post awful comments. Thanks.(:

Chapter 1:

I'm walking through the crowded little town, as I do every night. No one seems to see me, as usual. They dont budge when I brush past them, because they cant feel it. They're all here for the Fourth of July fireworks. Kids are running with sparklers and laughing like crazy. Parents are grilling out in front of their house for the neighbors and families. But I'm invisible. I'm dead.

I was murdered when I was 15. Pretty painful. Beat up & strangled afterward. I've got scars all over my arms where the knife dug in. My face is clean except for the exceptional scar next to my left eye. That one was the worst. With a clean face, it's easier to identify who I am. Or was.

I've been stuck here for a year and a half. My killer got away, so I've been trying to find him. The problem is, I dont know where to start. I know what he looks like. Slightly overweight, clean face- no facial hair, bright green eyes and short, dark hair.

My death was sad for many reasons:

1) My mother and younger brother were extremely tearful and couldnt stop crying at the funeral.

2) My killer got away.


3) No one saw or heard anything because I was out of town with my school.

I was in the lobby of our hotel reading a book on the floral arm chair by a long standing lamp (my roomate snores really loud and I wanted to get my assignment done). The hotel was closed for the night, so no one was supposed to be checking in at the last minute. The security gaurd was asleep by the door, but he didnt snore NEARLY as loud as my roomate Lynn.

But then his snoring stopped, so I just assumed he had woken up or something. I knew he was the cool security gaurd, because he always let me come down after hours so I could finish my homework, sometimes he even helped me. Anyway, when the snoring stopped it got really quiet. Every few seconds the floor boards would creak. Then the last creak was closer, behind me. When I turned around, it was too late.

I was being dragged out of the lobby kicking and shreiking, even though a hand was over my mouth. I kicked a side table and knocked over a lamp, that made the hall lights go on. I heard footsteps running down the stairs, but I was dragged out before I even saw who was coming. Then I was murdered in the alley while everyone else tried to figure out what happened INSIDE.

It was terrible. The security cameras were paused on the part where I wasnt even down in the lobby yet, and the security gaurd was wide awake.But I guess stuff like that happens to a lot of people. Maybe differently, though. But lets get back to the PRESENT now.

As I was saying, the fourth of July, extremely beautiful. The fireworks above were beyond amazing. I sat down on a swing in a nearby park. The picnic area was crowded with lawn chairs and little kids were running around, playing tag, etc.

A girl about my age came and sat on the swing next to me. She resembled a book character really well, with black hair with green streaks- past her shoulders, mocha skin and dark brown eyes. She looked at me and smiled. I just stared at her and ignored the smile because she was obviously smiling to a kid on the other side by the slides.

"Are you okay?" she asked. Again, I didnt say anything.

"Hellooooo....??" she waved her hand directly in my face. "I'm Sasha." I was completely shocked.

"Are you talking to ME??" I asked, wide-eyed.

"Yeah. Who else?" she asked with a smile.

"But... How can you SEE me?" I asked her. She looked at me like I was crazy, but didnt stop smiling.

"Are you dead?" I asked her.

"No." She replied with a laugh. "Are you?" She was just kidding, but the look on my face made her smile go away. I half nodded, but she just laughed, a fake, nervous laugh.

"Prove it." She said with a smile. I got up from the swing and she followed me.

"I was KIDDING." She said. "You're kinda weird, you know that."

"Where are your parents?" I asked. She came up beside me and pointed to a cute couple, maybe in their 30's. Sitting in lawn chairs by a tree, holding a toddler. It was a little dark out but with the fireworks, I could see them a little.

"Mom, dad. This is my new friend...." Her voice trailed off.

"Peyton." I replied.

"Peyton." she finished. They stared at her.

"Where is she honey?" Her mom asked.

"Right here!" Sasha motioned her hands around my head. "Cant you SEE her?"

"Sweetheart, there's no one THERE." Her father said.

"Yes there is!!" Sasha said. I started to feel a little bad about the situation, but she was the one who started talking to me.

"Sasha..." Her mother started, but Sasha ran off towards the woods. Her parents stood up, her mother still holding the young boy. They called her name but it was useless, so they ran towards a park officer for help.

I ran towards the woods to follow Sasha, and found her in a high up tree.

"What're you doing?" I asked her.

"What the hell does it look like I'm doing!?" she said, she was breathing heavily from running. "What the hell was THAT!? Is this some kind of BIRTHDAY PRANK!?"

"Oh, happy birthday." I said. She muttered a 'thanks' and shook her head.

"I'm so confused." She said.

"To me, it's simple. To you, it's insane." I said.

"What is?" She asked cautiously.

"That you can see me." I said. "I mean, you're the only person so far. I think."

"There you go again!" she rolled her eyes. "You're such a weirdo!" I climbed the tree and sat on the branch next to her.

"I. Am. Dead." I said, giving each word its own sentence.I took off my jean jacket, revealing my black Linkin Park t-shirt. She looked at my arms.

"Are you a cutter?" She asked.

"No!" I said, then laughed. "I was murdered."

"By who?" Sasha asked and I shrugged. I pulled my auburn hair back and took the rubber band from my wrist and wrapped it around it. I let my bangs fall over my eyes and pushed them to the right.

"Some security gaurd." I shook my head. "One I had began to trust, too."

"Some people arent what they seem." Sasha said and I nodded.

"Well, now what?" She asked.

"Washington." I replied.

"What about it?" Sasha asked. I climbed down from the tree and Sasha followed.

"You ask a lot of questions." I joked. "But seriously, I need you're help. WE are goint to Washington."

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